Saturday, July 11, 2015

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here, you can find more excerpts at:

I've been sharing excerpts from Return Engagement for the past few weeks. To recap, my hero and heroine have met on a beach ten years after his father broke them up. They find that the old feelings for each other are still there in spite of the fact that she's engaged. In today's excerpt, She has just told him he was sweet, and that was something he didn't want to hear. He said he'd rather be sexy, and he wanted to be her lover.

“Oh, that’s what you want, is it? I’m glad you made your intentions clear, Mr. Lovinggood.” She took a small step toward him and obligingly tilted her face upward.

She had known Richard wouldn’t waste his chance. His eyes darkened as he slowly bent his head. Elizabeth gasped when his lips touched hers. She had forgotten how his kisses made her knees shake, her heart pound, and almost burned her up from the inside out. 

Richard finally lifted his head. “You have a lazy, satisfied smile on your face,” Elizabeth breathlessly observed.

“Yeah, I do; you held me close, and you kissed me like you’d never get enough of me.” 

Return Engagement is available at Amazon or at


  1. Sweetly snarky--very nice! :D

    I like how they're getting to know each other again.

  2. Uh oh, sounds like she might say yes!

  3. That's quite some chemistry they have there! If only things could be that easy...

  4. Fanning myself, that was a GOOD kiss all right! Terrific excerpt...

  5. Hmm. He sounds a bit too confident. Now for the first time, I'm worried for her sake.

  6. ~Sizzling~ kiss. :-) Wonderful writing, Elaine. Easy to picture the scene.

    They have some tough times ahead of them--especially if her mom thinks her fiance is the best thing since sliced bread.

  7. Danger, danger, danger... aw the heck with the warning, it's here.
    Obviously those old feelings are still there, but now very, very complicated with a fiance in the picture.
    Sizzling hot encounter.

  8. Thanks, Elaine. Most of this excerpt sounds fine.

    But the dialog---well, if these characters are overcome by passion for each other, they not going to make witty banter. And "You have a lazy, satisfied smile on your face" doesn't sound natural.

    But this is just my opinion. Good luck!

  9. Great scene. I like Richard and I'd say she does, too. Great eight!

  10. Sounds like their relationship's rekindling won't be halted anytime soon!

  11. I halfway expect her fiance to step into the scene at any moment--but then this is a romance, not a murder mystery!

  12. Sounds like it their relationship has been rekindled. Sweet. Love the last line. No wonder she's falling for him.

  13. Very nice. Count me among the fans of that last line.

  14. I guess this time around even if daddy wants to interfere he won't get a chance.

  15. Have to go with Mary Ann on this one. While the description of the kiss is great (and even the 'thought' of a lazy self-satisfied smile is awesome)... it's hard to picture a couple saying that to each other in those exact words. Maybe just a bit of tweaking?

  16. I love that last line, perfect description to it.
