Monday, July 13, 2015

Wanna Dance With Me?

To ambitious belly dancer Melanie Drake, celebrity drummer Taz Roman is a self-absorbed playboy she prefers to avoid… until he makes her a tantalizing offer. 
He needs someone to pose as his live-in girlfriend to get his meddling sister off his back. In exchange, he’ll coach her through the upcoming Belly Dance Divas’ audition.
But when Melanie’s fake feelings turn real and their secret backfires, she discovers Taz isn’t the man she thought he was. As the deception threatens to destroy her dreams and his career, she must find the courage to fight for what she truly wants.

Regular price: $3.99
New Release Blitz price: $0.99 (July 13-14 only!)


DeAnna Cameron writes about feisty heroines transformed by true love and belly dance—one of the oldest and most exciting dance forms in the world. Her novels have been translated into Japanese, Polish, and Serbian, and her work has been praised for its “deft prose, energetic characters and . . . colorful images” by RT Book Reviews. Before turning to fiction, DeAnna worked as a journalist, writing and editing for several Southern California newspapers and magazines. When she isn’t writing, she shepherds a local writing community called O.C Writers and edits, an online resource and showcase for local authors. She lives with her family in Orange County, Calif.
For more info, find her online here:

The author is giving away an ebook copy of her first belly dancing novel Shimmy For Me. To enter, use the rafflecopter link below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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