Monday, June 27, 2016

Ready to Fall

Ready To Fall
by Olivia Dade


GENRE:  Contemporary Romance



Elementary school teacher and part-time librarian Sarah Mayhew has the perfect plan: show off her cycling skills at her school's bike retreat and attract her oblivious coworker in the process. Her end game? Fall in love. Only one problem: she needs to find someone to teach her how to ride a bike pronto. But when she catches sight of Chris Dean's gorgeous physique, her best laid plans are about to go off track . . .

Chris is not looking for a girlfriend. He's getting over his last one by focusing on his bike repair business. So when a feisty, sexy schoolteacher urges him to help improve her cycling skills, he does it strictly for the money. He vows he won't repeat history, even for a blonde bombshell like Sarah. But when the two find themselves alone on the road, they can't help taking a detour straight into each other's arms . . .



Excerpt One:

He put down his sandwich and strode to the front of the shop. Flipping the lock, he yanked open the door.

“You can come in, but make it quick.” His voice emerged like gravel from his throat, combined irritation and arousal lowering it to a near growl.

He held the door open for her, and she swept past him with a murmured thanks. No doubt her smile was also meant to convey gratitude. Instead, it exuded determination and the satisfaction of a job well done.

She’d give any man a run for his money. He could tell already.

Her shoulder brushed against his chest as she passed by, the dampness of it matching the state of his jersey. Heat arced between them in that tiny bit of contact, lifting the hairs at the back of his neck and tightening every muscle in his body.

Her eyes—a cloudy, gorgeous blue-gray, he now saw—flew up to his, the endearing smugness in them disappearing. Her lips parted, but she didn’t say anything. He wanted to cover that soft mouth with his. Steal back the swift breath she’d just taken.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Olivia Dade grew up an undeniable—and proud—nerd, prone to ignoring the world around her as she read any book she could find. Her favorite stories, though, were always romances. As an adult, she earned an M.A. in American history and worked in a variety of jobs that required her to hide her bawdy interior under a demure exterior: Colonial Williamsburg interpreter, high school teacher, academic tutor, and (of course) librarian. Finally, though, she realized the call of the hussy could no longer be denied. So now she writes contemporary romantic comedy with plenty of sex, banter, and nerdery. When not writing, she cooks alongside her husband, dabbles in photography, and tries to hide her collection of throbbing-intensive romances from her curious daughter. Visit her on the web at

Buy links:



The authors will be awarding digital copies of all books on the tour to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Use the link below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What are your plans for the future?

  2. Thank you, Elaine! I'm excited to be featured on your blog. :-)

    And Mai, thank you for the question. I just finished the copy edits on my fifth book in the Lovestruck Librarian series, DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION. That one's about the no-nonsense Bookmobile manager, Constance, and the IT hottie she loves to hate, Sam. I'm excited for people to read the book in January!

    Hugs and ♥,
