Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Beyond the Book: Turnaround Farm

Welcome to Beyond the Book. Turnaround Farm which is one of my all time favorite books released September 1 for Wings ePress. I thought today I'd share a blurb and a short excerpt with you. If you're interested in the book, you can get it at


Dedicated career girl Holly Grant has no time for romance. She doesn’t need a man to complete her, thank you very much. Building Grant Realty takes all of her time and attention. If she can close a deal for Turnaround Farm her business will take off like a rocket. Her first problem is that Jeb Wakefield doesn’t want to sell his farm, and her second problem is Jeb’s grandson Dan, the finest looking man Holly’s ever seen.

Last Week

I want them to think about what selling the farm would mean to them. And don’t forget that my buyer upped his offer.”

“Don’t you ever think about anything but business?”Loretta asked, her voice almost snatched away by the wind. “There’s a world of exciting things to think about besides business.”

Holly rolled her eyes at her exasperating assistant.“No, I don’t, and you should get your mind off Michael Stuart and think a little more about business yourself.”

“I’m engaged to Michael! Why shouldn’t I think about him? This time next year we’ll be married, for goodness sake.”

Holly scowled. “Marriage is a trap.

This week: Holly speaks first. We've picked up where we left off last week.

Most men expect their wives to help them earn a living, but do they help out around the house in return? No, they don’t. They’re so egotistical they want to reproduce themselves, so their wives have to take care of the kids on top of everything else they do. Well, if you want to fall into that trap, go ahead. I’m not that dumb.”

Loretta sighed and bent her head against the wind while Holly hid a smile. Her assistant had learned not to argue with her when she jumped on her soapbox. The leaden sky smelled of snow. How were they going to get their car out of that ditch? Call a wrecker maybe.

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