Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Shadows and Silk Series

Shadows and Silk Series
(Three Lessons in Seduction/Tempted by the Viscount)
by Sofie Darling


GENRE:   Historical Romance



Three Lessons in Seduction blurb:

Lord Nicholas Asquith needs his wife. Too bad he broke her heart ten years ago.
Can he resist a second chance at the love he lost?
When Mariana catches the eye of the man at the center of an assassination plot, Nick puts aside their painful past and enlists her to obtain information by any means necessary, even if it means seducing the enemy agent.
Even if the thought makes his blood boil.
Only by keeping his distance from Mariana these last ten years was he able to pretend indifference to her. With every moment spent with her, he feels his tightly held control slipping...
Can she trust the spy who broke her heart?
Mariana spent the last decade forgetting Nick. Now she has the chance to best him at his own game, an opportunity she can’t resist, even as her view of him begins to shift. Increasingly, she wants nothing more than to seduce her own husband . . . 
It’s only a matter of time before mad passion ignites, a passion never convincingly extinguished. A passion that insists on surrendering to the yearning of the flesh and, quite possibly, of the heart.

Tempted by the Viscount blurb:

London, April 1825

Lord Jakob Radclyffe left his past behind in the Far East. Or so he thinks until a ruthless thief surfaces in London, threatening to ruin his daughter’s reputation. With the clock ticking, Jake needs the scandalous Lady Olivia Montfort’s connections in the art world to protect his daughter’s future.

Olivia, too, has a past she’d like to escape. By purchasing her very own Mayfair townhouse, she’ll be able to start a new life independent from all men. There’s one problem: she needs a powerful man’s name to do so. The Viscount St. Alban is the perfect name.

A bargain is struck.

What Olivia doesn’t anticipate is the temptation of the viscount. The undeniable spark of awareness that races between them subverts her vow to leave love behind. Soon, she has no choice but to rid her system of Jake by surrendering to her craving for a single scorching encounter.

But is once enough? Sometimes once only stokes the flame of desire higher and hotter. And sometimes once is all the heart needs to risk all and follow a mad passion wherever it may lead.


EXCERPT (from Tempted by a Viscount): 

His feet began a slow prowl forward, steadily erasing the distance between them, inch by deliberate inch. She should feel panicked, or, at least, unsettled, by his purposeful approach. But those feelings refused to take hold. The anxiety and anticipation of seconds ago flared into a single overwhelming sensation: desire, white hot, ravenous.

He drew within a foot of her and stopped. The only sound in the room the jagged in and out of her breath.

So this was what it was to be a wanton? Aching from the nearness of his withheld touch, excruciatingly delicious and exquisitely tortured all at once.

“Why are you here?” she muttered.

“How should I answer that question?” he returned, his voice a low, masculine register that quaked her to her core. His head lowered, lips hovering just above hers for one, two, three rapid heartbeats, his breath a whisper across her lips. “Like this?”

A Word With The Author:

1.Did you always want to be an author?

            I wish I could say yes, but the truth is I never really considered it as an option when I was young. As a teen, I was such a voracious reader that it never occurred to me that I could create my own fictional worlds. Then, in my thirties, it hit me: I had fictional worlds inside me. Icould be an author.

2.Tell us about the publication of your first book.

It’s a bit of a convoluted story, so bear with me. Even though Tempted by the
Viscountis the second book in this series, I actually wrote it first. After I’d
finished it, I went to RWA’s national convention and pitched it to an editor.
She asked for the first three chapters and a synopsis. Months went by, and I didn’t
hear from her. So I figured she’d passed. I’d completely moved on and had started writing the next book
when I received an email from her, asking for the entire manuscript. Elated, I sent
A few months later, she returned it with revision notes. She wanted me to cut
at least 15,000 words and focus the story more tightly on the main characters and less on the secondary storyline. Because this was an editor with a major publishing house, I gave it a shot.
After a few rounds, the end product wasn’t satisfactory to either of us, and we
decided to part ways. I was tied up in this process for an entire year. It was a huge
learning lesson.
Meanwhile, I was also writing Three Lessons in Seduction, the book that I thought
would be the second in the series. Then a critique partner suggested I switch the order of the
books around due to a big twist that happens in Three Lessons. She was absolutely right, so I switched the order. Three Lessons in Seductionbecame book one.
The following spring, I submittedThree Lessonsto a few unpublished writing
contests. To my delight, it won one and finaled in two others, a double-finalist in
one of them. This was my signal to start submitting to publishers again. Soon, I found an editor who was excited about my work, and we’ve enjoyed a great working relationship since.

3.Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in?

            Judith Ivory is my all-time favorite historical romance author. Her writing is so lush and beautiful. And I love that her characters have these funny rebellious streaks that aren’t always apparent on the surface. Although she hasn’t published in over a decade, I return to her books every year and always find something new.

4.What's the best part of being an author? The worst?

            The best part of being an author is the storytelling. Full stop. I love creating characters and worlds for them to live and breathe in. The worst? Hmm. Trying to keep up with changing technologies and social medias on the published side. It can be tricky to manage for a girl who just wants to be writing.

5.What are you working on now?

Book three of my series, Her Midnight Sin, is now in the hands of my editor, so
I’m starting work on book four, as-yet untitled. Her Midnight Sinwill release in
April, 2019 and features the world-weary Captain John Nylander and feisty Lady
Calpurnia Radclyffe, Dowager Viscountess St. Alban, as they vie against each
other for the same Devon country estate. There will be pirates and apple brandy. :)


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Sofie spent much of her twenties raising two boys and reading every book she could get her hands on. Once she realized that she was no longer satisfied with simply reading the books she loved, that she must write them, too, she decided to finish her degree and embark on a writing career. Mr. Darling and the boys gave her their wholehearted blessing.

When she’s not writing heroes who make her swoon, she runs a marathon in a different state every year, visits crumbling medieval castles whenever she gets a chance, and enjoys a slightly codependent relationship with her beagle, Bosco.




Sofie Darling will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds like a great series, thanks for sharing :)

  3. thank you for your giveaway

    tiramisu392 (at)

  4. Historical Romance! My favorite genre! I have had both of these books on my books-to-read list at Goodreads, but I have yet had the chance (or taken the time) to buy them. Need to do that ASAP. Both stories sound like my kind of read!

  5. Thank you for the giveaway! Both books by her are already on my TBR <3

  6. Thank you for letting me enter your giveaway😊😀

  7. Looking forward to reading the "Shadows and Silk Series."

  8. Congratulations! Looking forward to an entertaining read, thanks for the chance (entered with yahoo email Address).

  9. The books sound great! Thank you for the opportunity 💕

  10. Thanks for the giveaway, the book sounds great. sorry but couldn't repin images, it kept saying something went wrong.

  11. All the flirting and second chances makes this a lively series. When you went back to school, what did you get a degree in?

  12. How long did it take you to write the book?
