Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Beyond the Book: Wintertime

This week I'm talking about things I actually like about winter, but in fact, I don’t dislike the season at all.

For one thing I live in South Carolina, which means we seldom get snow. When we do, it panics everyone, and we run to the grocery store for milk and bread. Everything comes to a halt, and we hurry home to get out of the snow. That being said, most of us feel joyful when the snow actually comes. We make snowmen, eat snow ice cream, and take walks outside. It’s truly a magical time for us.

My favorite holidays are in the winter too. I love Thanksgiving and Christmas. We always get together with our family and eat way too much. I love the thrill of selecting just the perfect Christmas gift for each family member. I also enjoy all the holiday decorating and parties. We have a lot of January birthdays in my family as well so that’s something to look forward to once Christmas is over. My birthday is January 12. 

We also seem to draw closer together during the winter. We can still get out, but if the temperature goes below fifty we have a tendency to enjoy more indoor activities like sitting in front of the fire with a nice cup of coffee and a good book. When the temperature is warmer my husband is likely to be outside working so it’s nice to have more time to just be together.

What about you? What’s your take on winter? Do you like it or not?

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