Saturday, January 4, 2020

Weekend Writing Warriors: Never Trust a Pretty Wolf

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more snippets at:   

For the last few months I've been sharing excerpts from Turnaround Farm, but today I'm sharing from another book, Never Trust a Pretty Wolf. We'll begin with Chapter One.

Liesel Wolf has a secret, a dangerous secret she’ll go to any lengths to conceal. When she’s paired in a charity game with sexy marshal Andy Bryce, a man with secrets of his own, her carefully constructed world comes crashing down, and Liesel’s on a collision course with her past.

Last week:


  1. Poor Andy, but it looks like he's reading this correctly.

    Your writing is so perfectly descriptive, Elaine. I was right inside that scene!:-)

    Happy New Year!

  2. I feel really bad for Andy, but at least he's reading her correctly. I do, however, wonder if he can change her mind. Great snippet! Happy New Year, Elaine!

  3. I'll be fascinated what's really behind her pique, when we learn more about her! Enjoyed the snippet...

  4. If she bails on him, he won't get to play. That wouldn't be good. I hope they can work things out.
