Thursday, September 15, 2022

Cutter Kauai Sea Adventures (Series)

Cutter Kauai Sea Adventures (Series)

Dagger Quest, Book 1

by Edward Hochsmann




GENRE: Action/Adventure, Contemporary





Dagger Quest


An aging Coast Guard patrol boat is all that stands between the world and nuclear annihilation!


The world is on the brink of war, with NATO mobilizing to counter a Russian threat to Poland and Lithuania and leaders openly discussing war options. In the midst of the crisis, a Russian bomber collides with a U.S. fighter off Florida causing the accidental launch of a nuclear-tipped hypersonic missile.


A Coast Guard cutter on a routine patrol finds a drug-laden sailboat smashed and adrift north of the Florida Keys. The boat’s damage is from a near miss by the Russian missile which has not harmlessly flown deep into the Gulf of Mexico as initially thought, but crashed somewhere in the Keys.


The Coast Guard crew is in a race against a vicious and powerful international crime syndicate to find and recover the Russian nuke before its discovery can trigger a nuclear war.


Exploring the friendship and teamwork of a typical ship's crew, in the face of unexpected and hazardous challenges, Dagger Quest provides a fast-paced, taut story - excellent fare for both sea adventure and military thriller fans.




Dagger Quest Excerpt



Ben’s first encounter with the 252 Syndicate ends in a high-speed chase through Key West, Florida:


Ben slowed and veered right onto Flagler with a screaming of tires and modest fishtailing as he straightened on the new path. Their pursuers also swung in behind them from Roosevelt a few seconds later. 


“Floor it!  We’ll be hanging a right on Tenth in ten blocks, same tactic. Keep hitting that horn!”


Ben stayed on the horn, dodging through traffic at speeds approaching fifty miles per hour. 


“Counting down,” Simmons said, “Fourteenth, Thirteenth, twelfth, Eleventh, slow down and prepare to hang a right, NOW!” 


Ben executed another tire-squealing turn and straightened out, heading north on Tenth, gunning the engine and leaning on the horn. 


“Stand by to hit the brakes!” Simmons shouted. “Steady, steady, NOW, hit the brakes!”


Ben stood on the brake pedal, tires shrieked, and the anti-lock braking chattered. After skidding to a stop in the middle of the street next to a large lagoon, Simmons shouted, “Get down!” He opened both doors on his side of the car, using the rear door for cover. 


Ben dropped behind the seat as their pursuer began screeching to a stop. Suddenly, there was a tremendous crash with the sound of tearing metal and followed by a large splash. Simmons shut the doors and said in a normal tone, “OK, let’s roll. Back to the base, nice and easy.”


Ben shot up and saw several figures in combat gear with guns drawn running forward from an SUV stopped in the middle of Tenth Street. The car chasing them was coming to rest upside down in the lagoon. “WHAT—THE—HELL!” he shouted at Simmons.


“Come on, friend, we need to move it. It’s handled. We’re clear now, so stay law-abiding all the way, please.” 


Ben stared at him for a few seconds, then pressed the accelerator. The engine raced briefly, and then, with shaking hands, Ben shifted into Drive. 


“See, you’re a natural,” Simmons said with a smile. “You didn’t even realize you shifted into Park.”





Caribbean Counterstrike


Mission: Five days to destroy the enemy in the Caribbean before a catastrophic weapon is unleashed—but all he can think about is the woman he left behind…


The deadliest nerve gas ever made has fallen into the hands of a murderous Caribbean drug cult. The criminal 252 Syndicate has the gas in a secret lab on an oil rig servicing ship, but the ship has been taken for ransom by the Salinas Cartel in a violent drug war. The U.S. can’t use airstrikes and calls on Coast Guard Officer Ben Wyporek to lead his crew through a risky covert raid on the Salinas cult’s fortified island base. He accepts the assignment, but remembers a previous lethal encounter with the 252s and struggles to say goodbye to the love of his life, Victoria Carpenter.


Ben and his crew aboard the stealth-equipped Cutter Kauai must sneak into the harbor and tow the ship away. But if Kauai is detected and defeated, death by gas or at the hands of vicious adversaries will follow. Now, every decision Ben makes will determine the fate of his entire crew—and the chances of reuniting with Victoria.


This second book of the series builds on the friendships and teamwork of Kauai's crew, this time in the face of several challenging missions and one potentially lethal encounter. It is a worthy sequel to Dagger Quest that sea adventure and military thriller fans will enjoy.





Bravely and Faithfully



A New Captain’s First Patrol Turns into a Fight for Their Lives


Young Coast Guard Lieutenant Haley Reardon has not even gotten her feet on the ground on her new patrol boat command when she finds herself and her crew supporting a dangerous covert mission. They must insert and retrieve a Defense Intelligence Agency operations team trying to seize a transnational criminal syndicate boss from a small Caribbean island controlled by a front company of the Chinese government and protected by a superior military force.


A honeymoon period would be lovely, but, as always, the world gets a vote.


Can Haley avoid leaving the DIA team to their fate, when attempting to rescue them could destroy her crew and boat and lead to war?


This third installment of the series conveys the humor, friendships, and teamwork of Kauai's crew from the previous books, with a new series of exciting actions from search and rescue to combat. The crew and their new skipper must come together for the toughest mission they have ever faced.


A Word With the Author

Can you describe your dream home?

High ceilings with big windows looking out to the mountains. Definitely a country setting, not in a place that is wicked hot or cold.  Tile floors and a three-car garage.  And, of course, a detached hangar for my airplane!

If we were to come to your house for a meal, what would you give us to eat?

My specialties are Cream of Mushroom and Chicken, Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, London Broil with noodles or Classic Spaghetti—take your pick.

Tell us about the absolute BEST fan letter you have received.

The greatest complement I ever had in a review was from a reader in Prague, Czechoslovakia, who said the end of the story felt like she was leaving the crew, and she didn’t like it (leaving). This is the best that an author can hope for—the reader wants to be part of the crew.

Say your publisher has offered to fly you anywhere in the world to do research on an upcoming book, where would you most likely want to go?

If it had to be for research, I guess either Martinique or Guadeloupe.

Who designed the book cover for the book you are touring?

         A cantankerous old goat named SpudzArt does all my Kauai series covers.  




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Edward Hochsmann is the pen name of a retired U. S. Coast Guard search and rescue and law enforcement professional. The veteran mariner, aviator, college professor, and defense analyst has added “author” to his list of experiences. Ed likes reading, police procedurals, contemporary music on the road, and classical music in the office. After a career traveling from Australia in the west to Italy and Germany in the east, Ed has settled into a quiet life in the Florida Panhandle to focus on writing (and not shoveling snow!) 


Ed has two novels published right now (plus one launching in August 2022) in the Cutter Kauai Sea Adventures series about a Coast Guard patrol boat assigned to "special" missions. Dagger Quest takes place in the Florida Keys and involves an aging Coast Guard patrol boat dragooned into a search for a lost Russian nuclear weapon in a time of international crisis. The second, Caribbean Counterstrike, features the same patrol boat and crew, now with equipment and training upgrades, sent to recover a deadly nerve gas from a murderous Caribbean drug cartel. Bravely and Faithfully has Kauai, under a new captain supporting a covert raid on a Caribbean island held by the Chinese.


Ed's second series, C6S: Patrol Force deals with a combined defense establishment and constabulary for a galactic economic empire called the Confederation of the Six Systems (C6S). Ed has published two novellas and a novel-length collection late last year. 


Stay connected with Ed – 
















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  1. I enjoyed the word with Edward and I enjoyed the excerpt, The Cutter Kauai Sea Adventures sounds like exciting books for me to read!

    Thanks for sharing them with me and have a terrific TGIF!
