Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Locksmith's War


Locksmith's War

The Locksmith Trilogy Book Three

by Paul Briggs




GENRE: YA Sci-fi (Young Adult, Science Fiction_






For Lachlan Smith, learning the secret of the apocalypse was the easy part.


Ever since Locksmith found the portal to the future, he has been wondering who or what was responsible for the empty, uninhabited world he found.


Now he knows—and now he has to fight them.


He thought he had fifteen years in which to prevent the extinction of the human species.


Now, he has only hours.


When the portal is stolen by a cabal of dangerous fanatics, his mother and many of his friends are trapped on the other side. Now the enemy is after him, and the only way to thwart their genocidal plan is to retake the portal and hold it—at both ends.


With very little time left, a handful of allies who don't trust each other, almost no chance of success and the survival of humanity itself at stake… Locksmith is going to war.






Rikki’s first plan of escape


Rikki’s first plan of escape was simple — wait for somebody to open the door, then pounce on them, beat them up and start running. She couldn’t act on this plan until the drug wore off.


She was still feeling jittery from the drug when the lights went out, leaving her in something very close to pitch darkness. The tags on her ears glowed in the dark. The lights stayed off for a fair stretch of time — it might have been an hour. Before long, even with the drug out of her system her pupils had dilated to the point where the light that leaked in under the doorway looked like a line of yellow-white fire, dimly illuminating the room.


Then she heard the footsteps out the in the hall. Someone was headed this way. Rikki pointed herself at the doorway and got herself into a sprinter’s crouch like she’d seen Lock do.


The footsteps stopped in front of the door to her cell. She could see the shadows of somebody’s feet. Just one person. Good. Heavier than average, from the sound of the footsteps, but still better than trying to tackle two or more people at once. Her leg muscles were ready to launch her at the enemy. She got her fists into position. A few good blows to the solar plexus and kidneys…

A Word With the Author

 What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Chocolate and peanut butter, unless there’s something with extreme amounts of dark chocolate available. 

Which mythological creature are you most like?

The Hypothetical Donkey. That’s the one that’s trapped in a thought experiment an exact distance between two identifcal bales of hay and starving to death because it can’t make up its mind. I have a few issues with executive function and decision-making.

First book you remember making an indelible impression on you.

I think it would’ve been Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh. Complex plot, compelling characters and a villain who wasn’t so much evil as a good guy with bad ideas.

Let us not speak of the movie version.

How do you develop your plot and characters?

Characters, once I have a general idea of the role they’re to play, have a way of forming on their own. Plots are more complicated. I start with a general structure, then make changes as I fill it in with writing.

Describe your writing space.

An unmade bed with my laptop propped up on a pillow. Sorry. I really wish it were a recliner and a fine hardwood desk in an office overlooking the mountains, with a cup of tea resting nearby. It is what it is. 




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


In addition to writing books, Paul Briggs has worked as a newspaper editor, court reporter's assistant, and audio transcriber. In his spare time (when he has any) he sometimes performs in community theater, most recently taking on the roles of Bottom, Petruchio, Macbeth, Rosalind, and Richard III in a Shakespeare compilation. An Eastern Shore native who grew up in Chestertown, Maryland, Paul earned a BA in English from Washington College and a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Maryland – College Park. 


He is the author of several short plays, including the award-winning The Worst Super Power Ever and The Picture of Health.  He is also writing the sequel to his 2018 science fiction novel Altered Seasons: Monsoonrise, which vividly imagines the dislocations that follow when the Arctic Sea ice finally melts and the Chesapeake Bay is drowned by the effects of climate change.


Amazon Author Page


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  1. Thank you for sharing your interview, bio and book details, Locksmith's War sounds like an excellent read for my teen-aged grandchildren and I and I am adding the trilogy to my TBR

  2. The book sounds very intriguing. Great cover!
