My Books!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Beyond the Book: I Had a Great Time Until I Didn't

  “As a kid, did you ride a bicycle? Tell us about the bike, where you rode it, who you rode with, etc. Did you continue riding bikes as a grown-up?”

I wish I could remember when I got my first bike, I don’t think I was too old when I got it. I think it was when we moved to a suburb a few miles out of town. There wasn’t a lot of traffic in the old days, so my parents weren’t afraid we’d get kidnapped or hit by a car. There was a family of girls who lived nearby so most of the time we rode together. I always enjoyed my bike very much, but once my parents gave me a horse for Christmas I found that I’d far rather ride her than a bike.

Before I abandoned the bike I had a few hair raising experiences. The first one I remember was getting on the bike intending to ride it to the bottom of a pretty steep hill. Funny thing though. The chain came off the bike, and it literally flew down that hill. I knew better than to try to stop at that speed so I just held on until it finally glided to a stop. I wasn’t hurt, but I was very traumatized. 

Another incident happened when my cousin came to visit. My sister loaned her bike to the cousin and off the two of us went. Everything was going well until my cousin hit a patch of loose gravel in the road and down she went. She was bleeding from a bad cut on her chin, and she wouldn’t get up. She just lay in the road moaning. I ran to a house and asked them to call my dad. He came right away, and my cousin had to get stitches and have a tooth repaired.

The last time I rode a bike my kids and I were just cruising around the neighborhood when the hand brake broke and got tangled in the spokes of the front wheel. The bike came to an abrupt end and threw me over the handlebars. The kids were scared and ran for their father. I’m glad he came quickly because I couldn’t get up, and the place where I was lying was definitely unsafe. I had a splitting headache for three or four days after that. I still think I had a concussion, but were leaving for vacation the next day so I didn’t say anything. 

What about you? As an adult do you still ride a bicycle? I don’t. I always intended that once the kids were out of school I’d buy myself another horse. I had lots more trouble with the bike than I did with the horse. In the long run I din’t get my horse either. Arthritis and Meniere’s Disease ( extreme vertigo) shot that dream down in a hurry. My husband was secretly glad I didn’t get another horse. He doesn’t like them. I have no idea why he thought that I didn’t know how he felt, LOL. After 51 years together the man’s an open book to me.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Private License


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kevin R. Doyle will award a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

All Lorie Jones wants is a little help with her divorce. Some extra information, a bit of ammunition to take into court against her no-good husband. And when she hires the biggest and best investigation firm Kansas City has to offer, that’s exactly what she gets. But after their operative wraps up Lori’s case, he decides he doesn’t want to move on, and Lori soon realizes that she’s got an even bigger problem than she had before, one that threatens her privacy, and maybe even her life.

It’s up to Sam Quinton, one-man detective agency, to take on the largest firm in the business, and as Sam digs into the background of Lori’s harasser, he soon finds something bigger, and much more dangerous, than one overzealous guy who just can’t let go.

Read an Excerpt

Thornton, his time sitting down no doubt adding to his confidence, snorted. “Lots of broads work up there, dude. How am I supposed to know . . . ”

I didn’t let him get any farther before I reached out and smacked him open-handed upside the head. I managed to do it in such a way only someone looking close could tell what had happened, meaning it was more a tap than anything. Even so, he reeled back on the bench, about half of his taco staining his blue shirt.

“Adam,” I said, keeping my voice low, “don’t give me any shit, okay? I don’t care how many women, not broads, work in your office. I’m only interested in one, and from what I hear you’re kind of interested in her yourself. Explain why I hear wrong.”

“Okay,” he said. “Now I get it. I heard something about what she’s been going through. You think I’m the one that’s been hassling her?”

“Are you?” I asked.

Actually, I’d already pretty much decided Adam Boy was a dead end. He was the kind of guy who back in the seventies would have been called a lounge lizard: tough and manly on the outside, a child on the inside.

I’d known far too many dudes like him over the years. The muscles, clothes, and general air of confidence were only a blind for a truth he didn’t want to face about himself. Not that such guys couldn’t be dangerous as hell, especially to someone weaker than themselves.

About the Author:

A retired high-school teacher and former college instructor, Kevin R. Doyle is the author of four novels in the Sam Quinton mystery series, all published by Camel Press. He’s also written four crime thrillers, including And the Devil Walks Away and The Anchor, and one horror novel, The Litter, along with numerous short horror stories published in small magazines over the years. The first Quinton book, Squatter’s Rights, was nominated for the 2021 Shamus award for Best First PI Novel, and the fifth in the series, Private License, will be out in August of 2024.

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Beautiful One


Mary Cope




GENRE:  Young Adult Romance






Transformation, empowerment, love and music come together in the book, Beautiful One. 


Elizabeth Ryan is a beautiful, shy, naΓ―ve high school senior. Having never dated she meets the boy of her dreams, Aidan Mitchell. Despite his history of womanizing Liz is drawn to him. Soon Liz becomes the envy of all the girls on campus, when they become a couple and her dream boyfriend sweeps her off her feet and into the dating world that is all too new and strange for her. When other guys start to take notice of Liz, Aidan is troubled with fits of jealousy.


Elizabeth then meets the ruggedly handsome, Spencer Hayes and they quickly bond over their passion for music. Liz begins to struggle with the feelings that spark between them. In the end Elizabeth finds herself torn between helping Aidan overcome his jealousy and anger and giving into what her heart truly wants.






The music changed from one song to the next, and I realized I was having fun. My feet were killing me, but I didn’t care. I had been keeping track of how many guys I’d danced with. Currently I was at seven. I smiled at Melissa when she and Mason were dancing intimately even though the song was upbeat.


I was laughing, sweating, and dancing my butt off. This was the best time I’d ever had.


Then my heart stopped.


I felt a lump in my throat and a pit in my stomach when I saw him, dressed in black jeans and a black button-down shirt. He was movie-star perfect as he sauntered across the dance floor. When I tore my gaze from him, I noticed the accessory that graced his forearm. A leggy blonde wearing a short red dress. Figures.


I was torn between wanting to excuse myself and run or torture myself and stay. Foolishly, I opted for the latter. My heart twisted with jealousy watching Aidan gyrate to the music while his pretty dance partner sexually rubbed up against him. The pain was agonizing. Like a train wreck. I wanted to look away, but I couldn’t.




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Mary Cope is a passionate romance writer known for her ability to craft characters that feel undeniably real. Drawing inspiration from both her personal experience and vivid imagination, Mary’s words resonate with readers. A romantic at heart, Mary believes true intimacy is what love is all about. 















A randomly drawn winner will receive a $25 Amazon/BN gift card.




a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Always Right


𝗔𝗕𝗒𝗨𝗧 π—§π—›π—˜ π—•π—’π—’π—ž
From the moment I met her, Hannah Carson was all I wanted.
She’s the only person in the world that could bring me to my goddamn knees.
No matter how much time or distance we put between us, we always ended up in each other's arms…but something told me this time it was different.
This time, she was going to put up a fight.
She built a wall around her heart, protecting it from the pain that came with our love. But it doesn't matter. I will tear every brick down with my bare hands because even if she refuses to admit it…she will always be mine.

#OneClick or #DownloadFREE with π—žπ—œπ—‘π——π—Ÿπ—˜ π—¨π—‘π—Ÿπ—œπ— π—œπ—§π—˜π—— 

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❤️ The Right Kind of Wrong
❤️ The Wrong Side of Us
❤️ At the Wrong Time


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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Beyond the Book: Southern Cuisine

Today’s post has nothing to do with books and everything to do with food. My husband and I recently took a short trip during which we ate more than we should. One meal was especially good. We had pulled pork sandwiches, corn on the cob, and fried okra. This meal made me think of Southern cooking in general. I remember doing a lesson with this in my history classes years ago so I thought I’d share a bit of history with you. 

In the day of a global economy with refrigerated food carriers it’s hard to believe that until very recently in history people ate only what they could find locally.  That being the case, around what products did southern cuisine grow and develop? 

First of all, there’s corn.  Europeans who settled in the south in the colonial period didn’t know about corn.  The Indians had to tell them.  Okay, what can you do with corn?  You can start with hominy, which was often served as a breakfast cereal.  Leftovers could be fried for supper later that day.  You could also make cornbread, hushpuppies, grits and spoonbread so delicate you needed a spoon to eat it.  People also make ashcakes, hoecakes, and journeycakes.  Don’t forget popcorn either.  

The second mainstay of southern cooking was pork.  Pigs aren’t native to the United States.  Hernan de Soto’s army brought pigs with them when they came to explore Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas.  Some of the pigs escaped or were stolen by the Indians and became the ancestors of modern pigs.  Southerners do love their pork.  Nothing beats a good salty country ham or a nice smoked ham.  Mmm.  Pork barbecue.  Love it.  

The third agricultural mainstay was brought to the United States by African slaves.  They planted collard greens, peas, okra, yam, watermelon, and sesame.  It’s traditional in the south to serve collard greens on New Year’s Day.  If you do you’re supposed to have wealth in the coming year.  You also serve black eyed peas.  I have those two things plus a nice ham.

Lastly, southern cooks learned to appreciate local foods.  Squash is delicious, especially if you fry it nice and crispy.  If you don’t like fried foods you can stir fry it with a little onion.  Season it with basil, oregano, garlic, and thyme, and you have a dish fit for a king.  Pumpkins, rice, venison, oysters, fish, rabbits, squirrels and  birds were also available locally and taste good.  

Of course, southern cooking varies according to where you live.  Cajun or creole for example is somewhat different from traditional food in upstate South Carolina. 

Where do you live? What are some traditional foods in your area? 

Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder



Brenda Whiteside and Joyce Proell



GENRE:  Mystery






It’s a rib cookoff…with a recipe for murder.


Nicole Earp and Emma Banefield are celebrating another birthday at the Dulce Inn with the added fun of a rib cookoff in the park. Not only are chocolate martinis in their plans, Nic has her heart set on winning the cornbread contest. But as the excitement bakes, someone is stirring up trouble for the inn and its employees.


Strange occurrences at the Dulce are on the rise. Slashed tires, menacing phone calls, and unsavory characters add a vibe that threatens the sisters’ anticipated fun-filled stay. When the hot-headed hotel owner is caught wielding a bloody letter opener over a dead coworker, the sisters are embroiled in a caper to help the one person who finds their sleuthing as welcomed as a rattlesnake in her bed. But is she innocent?


The Chocolate Martini Sisters are primed to find out. First, they’ll have to eliminate a host of suspects that includes a dishonest restaurant owner, a jilted girlfriend, an ex-wife, the barkeeper, and a masseuse with a crush. If they can stay off the radar of the surly chief homicide detective long enough, they can put out the fire…unless the killer burns them first.


The third book in this amateur sleuths, cozy mystery series will have you chuckling and on the edge of your seat as the sisters solve the murder.






“Care for a celebratory chocolate martini?” Grinning, Emma attempted to arch one questioning brow, similar to the dramatic effect she’d seen in movies, but both shot up. 


Nic chuckled. “Do you really need to ask?”


In silent agreement, they’d set a course to the Azul Saloon when a piercing scream rang out. Emma startled, then froze. 


“What the heck?” Nic grabbed her hand clawing into the skin enough to make her flinch, then gulped and, noticing her pained expression, released her grip. “Sorry.”


The scream set a fire under the desk manager’s feet who darted from the reception area.


“For an older man, Oliver Stonewell sure can move.” Emma hustled after him, sprinting across the lobby, curious about what she might find at the source of the wretched scream. Nic kept pace at her side, hand flat against the top of her hat, holding it steady. 


As they closed in on the administrative office corridor, another longer scream morphed into a painful yowl. “Hellllp.” 


The agonized cry tripped along Emma’s spine like jagged nails scratching at her skin. She raced past Jillian’s empty office. Following Oliver, she veered into the second open doorway and halted with a gasp. Oh my God. She’d seen the raw ugliness of death before, yet it didn’t prepare her for this—lots and lots of blood blossomed across the man’s shirt. She clapped a hand to her mouth stifling a cry. Unexpectedly light-headed, dots floated across her vision. Teetering, she caught the door jamb. Her legs steadied, but her stomach threatened to revolt.


“Aw, jeez,” muttered Nic, echoing the horror coursing through her shaky body.

My Review

Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder is book 3 of the Chocolate Martini series.I haven't read the first two books, but the book can stand alone with no problems. It would probably help you understand the sisters if you read the first two books, but as I said you don't have to.

I liked the title of the book very much. In fact that's why I reviewed it. I also like the fact that the two heroines are sisters who love chocolate martinis. I liked the plot and it seems to me that the sisters are pretty good at reading people. Both of them are involved in sleuthing, but I thought Nic was a bit bolder. I thought the mystery was solid, and I didn't know who murdered Leo until the last thirty pages. By that time all the readers probably had a guess who the murderer was, LOL. so I don't deserve much credit for guessing right. 

Lastly, I love cornbread, but I'm very particular how it's made. Nic's prize winning recipe is printed at the end of the story. I think I'll try the recipe and see if I like it. 



AUTHOR Bio and Links:


After hearing countless stories as a mental health professional, Joyce retired to create her own tales. As an award-winning author, she writes historical romance and cozy mystery where all endings are guaranteed happy. She shares her home on the prairie with a husband and a little dog with a big personality. When she isn’t reading or writing, she likes to swim and finds baking almost as relaxing as a day at the spa. 


Visit here at her website: or at


Brenda Whiteside is the award-winning author of romantic suspense, romance, and cozy mystery. She writes children’s books under the pen name, Brenda Sue. After living in six states and two countries—so far—she and her husband have settled in Central Arizona. They admit to being gypsies at heart and won't discount the possibility of another move. They share their home with a rescue dog named Amigo. While FDW fishes, Brenda writes. 


Visit Brenda at or


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Brenda Whiteside and Joyce Proell will award a $20 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter.



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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Catch a Cowboy

                                                            CATCH A COWBOY

Rachelle Paige Campbell



GENRE:  sweet contemporary Western romance






Kincaid Ranch’s lead cowboy, Ted Stirling, isn’t looking for romance or entanglements. He settled in Herd, Montana over a decade ago after a devastating loss. He’s seeking comfort and friendship. Nothing more. If he was going to try for love again, he would pick someone sweet and sunny, exactly like kindergarten teacher, Stephanie Patricks. But she’s too young for him.


Stephanie has nursed a crush on quiet, handsome Ted for years. Unfortunately, every time she’s around him, she gets tongue-tied. She only seems to be able to find her words when she’s working with her students. When Ted’s sister unexpectedly arrives in town with his five-year-old niece in tow, he needs help, and Stephanie is just the woman to provide it.


A sudden emergency puts into sharp focus exactly how fragile life is, and Ted needs to decide whether to open his heart again, or let love slip away forever.





Ted didn’t land on the ground with his usual grace. His jeans snagged on the top rail and his back foot caught. His palms scrapped against the rail. He fell in a heap on the ground. 


Tires squealed as the car stopped on the shoulder. 


“Ted? Are you okay?” Stephanie shouted.


He winced and sat up, easing his legs out in front of him. Testing his muscles, he’d ache in the morning but hadn’t twisted his major leg joints. He waved a hand. “Yeah, I’m fine.”


“No, you’re bleeding. Hold on,” she called. 


He sucked in a breath and flipped over his palms. She was right. He’d torn through the top layer of skin and bled in several sections. The wounds didn’t look deep enough for stitches but he’d have to keep bandages on and use his work gloves for a few days. He should have worn the gloves before he’d hopped the fence, but he’d been so sure of his abilities his ego led to his fall.


“May I see?” Stephanie asked in a soft voice. 


He met her concerned gaze and swallowed the lump in his throat. With her knees pressing into the ground, she was close. Almost as near as last night when she’d kissed him. 


His cheek burned from the memory of the tender press of her lips. Would she kiss his palms? He didn’t think that would make him all better but he wasn’t about to stop her from trying.


“May I?” she asked again.




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Rachelle Paige Campbell writes contemporary romance novels filled with heart and hope. She believes love and laughter can change lives, and every story needs a happily ever after.





Amazon Author Page:




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Rachelle Paige Campbell will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter.




a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Kissing Asphalt

                                KISSING ASPHALT

Delicia Niami



GENRE:  Memoir






Resilience isn’t inherited. It’s a hard-fought skill forged by our ability to pick up the broken pieces of our past and remake them into something new.


Meet four-year-old Delicia, a poor but carefree child who is about to have her world shattered. Along with her seven-year-old brother Nile, she is kidnapped from her Los Angeles home by her estranged father and taken to Iraq, a foreign world she has never known. This is just the beginning of a string of traumas, hardships, and assaults Delicia will endure throughout her tumultuous childhood.


Now an adult living back in California, Delicia Niami bravely recounts how she survived the unimaginable in her debut memoir. Kissing Asphalt, the first in her memoir trilogy, ResilientAF, grapples with the power of resilience, acceptance, and self-love. She revisits her terrifying past with vulnerability, compassion, and the honesty of a true survivor. Hold hands with Delicia as she faces her childhood scars and learns how to confront her fears, accept her true value and identity, and embrace her unique gifts. It’s a multi-decade roller coaster ride that is the beginning of her liberation, propelling her to live an inspired life and embrace her full human potential—a human potential she knows lives inside everyone, no matter what life has thrown at us.        


For anyone who has struggled with childhood trauma, Delicia’s unflinching journey through darkness and back to light will resonate. She has decided to share her story publicly in hopes that it will serve as a guide to the many who have suffered in silence and continue to struggle against the daunting weight imposed by childhood trauma.   






It was a sunny day in Arleta, California. A layer of smog covered the sky, giving it the most illustrious orange hue. My brother and I were anxiously awaiting our five-day Easter vacation with our father. Our parents were going through a tumultuous divorce and had been separated for about a year at this point. I felt extremely sad because I never got to see my “dad.” I thought it odd that he cut all ties with our family, especially his own children. At only four years of age, I couldn’t understand the concept of a father wanting nothing to do with his kids. Imagine the excitement my brother, who was seven at the time, and I felt after almost a year of not seeing him. Now we were going to get to spend five whole days for Easter with our “dad.”

A Word With the Author

1.Did you always want to be an author? No, LOL. I wanted to be a lawyer. I just happened to have this insane life and have learned to always see the silver lining. The only reason I wrote my story was to help others realize that we are all ResilientAF and can make it through anything life throws our way.

2.Tell us about the publication of your first book.


It was actually kind of a nightmare. I started with a hybrid publisher and it was very misleading. I ended up becoming my own publisher and distributing it with Bublish, who I really enjoy working with. I knew that no matter what it took, I had to get my book out to the world as my story needed to be heard.

3.Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in? 
Deepak Chopra. He is an inspiration to me. He has such a positive outlook on life and has really helped me embrace that side of me. His books have helped me through a lot in this lifetime.


He is more of a self-help but has written memoir as well

4.What's the best part of being an author? When I get an email from someone who read my book that was moved or helped in some way. This brings me more joy than anything I’ve ever experienced. 


The worst? Trying to get the word out about my book. Marketing piece of this is exhausting! 

5.What are you working on now?


Not My Circus, the second book in the series should be released in July so keep an eye out for the announcement of pre-sale. This book picks up where Kissing Asphalt leaves off. It takes you up to the point where my mother’s murderer is convicted. The Queen of Silver Linings is about three quarters of the way through the rough draft and my ultimate goal is to release the entire series in 2024. This book goes through my healing journey, all of the plant medicines, breathwork, therapy, etc…I have done and continue to do to get to where I am today.





AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Delicia Niami is an acclaimed memoirist and LGBTQ+ advocate, whose raw and edgy storytelling has touched the hearts of readers worldwide. Residing in Santa Cruz and an alumna of UCSC, Delicia draws inspiration from her own journey of resilience and empowerment. Through her memoirs, she fearlessly addresses topics such as sexual abuse, trauma recovery, and the importance of self-compassion. Delicia's work not only sheds light on difficult experiences but also empowers others to find their voices and embrace their own resilience. Her passion for advocacy shines through in her writing, making her a powerful voice for change and healing in today's world.










The author will award a randomly drawn winner a signed special edition copy of the book. 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Beyond the Book: DIY Anyone

 “Were you ever a DIYer? If so is there any project you refuse ever to do again without professional help? If you’re still doing it yourself, what was your latest project?”

I think people who DYI are awesome. In my family my father certainly could do things, but he didn’t like to. He always painted or put up wallpaper, and once he made a dresser, a small pine piece that I still use today. But Daddy didn’t really enjoy such tasks. He’s much rather have had an expert come in and take care of things for him. I grew up thinking that just calling someone in to take care of your problem was the way to go.

I’ll never forget what happened shortly after my husband and I got married. Our iron fell off the ironing board and somehow ripped the plugin loose. I said, “We have to buy a new iron.” My husband said, “Why? I’ll fix it.” He did fix it. I was absolutely amazed as I raptly watched him patch it up again. I decided on the spot that I’d married a genius who could do anything, and you know what? I still think he can. 

He’s done some great projects for us over the years. We added a huge dining room to our house, and while a contractor was responsible for the construction, my husband wired the house himself and saved a lot of money. He also built a beautiful deck for the new room. I wanted new molding in my living room, and he brought out a saw and some kind of thing that you measure angles on and cut the new trim beautifully. He crafted a cornice board for the same room. He made the frame out of wood and then padded the frame and covered it with fabric of our choice. (I don’t really like it anymore, but he looked hurt when I suggested we should take it down so I guess it’ll be in my house forever.)

He patched walls, replaced a ceiling, redid my kitchen cabinets twice, and he used to paint for me, but he got tired of that and now has a painter he calls to do the job. He laid a new floor covering in my bathroom, made me a rock garden, and designed a beautiful bookcase for our study. He can hang pictures straight, measure for new drapes and help me put them up, and can even fix kitchen appliances. 

Well, I could go on, but you get the idea. The man is amazing. He’s saved us a lot of money over the years. 

Now what can I do? I’m great at supervising and being his helper, but I’m no good at DIY. I’m clumsy with my fingers and have no hand eye coordination. It’s really bad y’all. I see these people doing wonderful things, and I feel bad that I can’t do them, but I can’t and I had to learn to live with it. I guess it could be worse. At least I’m able to write my stories that thankfully some people enjoy reading. 

So what about you? Are you like me or my husband?

“Were you ever a DIYer? If so is there any project you refuse ever to do again without professional help? If you’re still doing it yourself, what was your latest project?”

I think people who DYI are awesome. In my family my father certainly could do things, but he didn’t like to. He always painted or put up wallpaper, and once he made a dresser, a small pine piece that I still use today. But Daddy didn’t really enjoy such tasks. He’s much rather have had an expert come in and take care of things for him. I grew up thinking that just calling someone in to take care of your problem was the way to go.

I’ll never forget what happened shortly after my husband and I got married. Our iron fell off the ironing board and somehow ripped the plugin loose. I said, “We have to buy a new iron.” My husband said, “Why? I’ll fix it.” He did fix it. I was absolutely amazed as I raptly watched him patch it up again. I decided on the spot that I’d married a genius who could do anything, and you know what? I still think he can. 

He’s done some great projects for us over the years. We added a huge dining room to our house, and while a contractor was responsible for the construction, my husband wired the house himself and saved a lot of money. He also built a beautiful deck for the new room. I wanted new molding in my living room, and he brought out a saw and some kind of thing that you measure angles on and cut the new trim beautifully. He crafted a cornice board for the same room. He made the frame out of wood and then padded the frame and covered it with fabric of our choice. (I don’t really like it anymore, but he looked hurt when I suggested we should take it down so I guess it’ll be in my house forever.)

He patched walls, replaced a ceiling, redid my kitchen cabinets twice, and he used to paint for me, but he got tired of that and now has a painter he calls to do the job. He laid a new floor covering in my bathroom, made me a rock garden, and designed a beautiful bookcase for our study. He can hang pictures straight, measure for new drapes and help me put them up, and can even fix kitchen appliances. 

Well, I could go on, but you get the idea. The man is amazing. He’s saved us a lot of money over the years. 

Now what can I do? I’m great at supervising and being his helper, but I’m no good at DIY. I’m clumsy with my fingers and have no hand eye coordination. It’s really bad y’all. I see these people doing wonderful things, and I feel bad that I can’t do them, but I can’t and I had to learn to live with it. I guess it could be worse. At least I’m able to write my stories that thankfully some people enjoy reading. 

So what about you? Are you like me or my husband?