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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors: Rest Thy Head

Welcome to Snippet Sunday and Weekend Writing Warriors, your chance to sample the work of a talented group of authors. When you finish here you can find more excerpts at:

Today we're starting excerpts from Rest Thy Head. I'll give you a blurb and then I'll do the excerpt. 

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Running away from a fiancĂ© who betrayed her, Peyton O’Malley finds employment at a beautiful mountain inn called Rest Thy Head. She didn’t expect to live in the haunted room or to fall for the inn’s owner, a fire-scarred, war veteran who uses the inn to hide away from the world. She didn’t expect her sister to show up at Rest Thy Head either, much less her formidable mother.

Last Week:

Now, thanks to the aid of a friendly ghost, Peyton has a shot at true love, and so does her sister Ashley, provided the guys cooperate of course! 


With an air of reverence, Eleanor O’Malley passed her hand across the white damask tablecloth in the box. “This is very nice, Peyton. Feel how heavy it is. It should last you a lifetime.”

Peyton opened and read the card that accompanied the gift. “Best wishes for a long and happy marriage, Henry and Anne Williams.”

Her mother flashed her best high‑wattage smile. “Can you believe it? The Williams family sent you a wedding gift! They’re one of the nicest families in town.”

This Week:

“Considering the fact they’re best friends with Drew’s parents, I sort of expected a gift from them.” Peyton tossed the card back into the box. “I’m not as happy with the tablecloth as you are. I’d rather give a barbecue and eat outside.”

Peyton frowned when she noted the patronizing smile on her mother’s face.

“Darling, that’s fine for right now, but later on after Drew goes to work with his father, you’ll be expected to entertain his clients and business associates. I imagine they’ll expect more than a barbecue in the back yard.”

Peyton rolled her eyes at her mother. “Yuck.”


  1. I love Peyton's response! and I would be groaning too. Lol.

  2. Uh oh, I sense a clash of expectations and life styles and everything else in the not too distant future. I inherited several tablecloths like this from my grandmother and we never used them. Just not that formal nowadays! Great snippet.

  3. Now, now, Peyton. There will be days when the weather isn't suitable for BBQ.

  4. Wonderful snippet with so much realism. I feel the animosity. Lock the door, Peyton and throw away the key!

  5. Never underestimate the power of BBQ. ;)

  6. This relationship is not going to go well, with such different expectations. I agree, a BBQ is way better than a formal dinner!

  7. Such an interesting premise for a book - and I agree, I much prefer a barbecue to a formal dinner!

  8. No wonder Peyton runs. It's not just her fiance who drives her away.
