Hi, Jean, welcome to my blog. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am a happily married mother of three, grandmother of one. I seem to have an overactive imagination that I exercise by writing books and I love to be busy. I work a full time day job beginning at 5am. At 1:30pm I head over to my used book store. In between, to fill in the slow moments, I write stories in my head, while making a few notes so I don’t forget anything. When I get home at 7-8pm I write it all down. I also write book reviews, read for acquisition for a publisher, and am a freelance editor. When I’m able, I enjoy reading just for me.
I'm exhausted just listening to you! What prompted you to write your first book?
I wrote my first published book while I was on leave after falling in my garden. I used to write fan fiction and decided that I’d make up my own band so I could actually benefit from my work. ShadowsForge was born and my workmates pushed me into publishing it. I began writing when I was around eleven to stave off loneliness. We moved a lot and I wanted to have friends that could move with me so I wrote them. I don’t have any of the early stories anymore but it was a great beginning to a thrilling career.
3.How long does it take you to produce a book?
That varies and depends on how much the characters work with me. Three Times a Hero was written in one month. The Long Way Home took two years to write. Shyanne’s Secret, released this month from WhiskeyCreekPress.com took one year. Her Perfect Man, released in October 2010 from Red Rose Publishing.com took a ridiculous eighteen years.
I had a book like that too. They're very dear to your heart, aren't they? What’s the easiest part of writing? The hardest?
The easy part is the ending because that is where I begin. I decide where I want the story to end up and I work backward to get them there. I think the hardest part would be the middle, to keep it from sagging.
Wow, I do something very similiar. Tell us two things about you that would surprise us.
I’ve had Multiple Sclerosis for the last twenty eight of my fifty-two years. I suffer from panic attacks and would be perfectly happy to do everything from home.
You obviously haven't let your health slow you down. Would you share your links with us?
Shyannes’ Secret - http://www.whiskeycreekpress.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=863
ShadowsForge Series -
Her Perfect Man -
We’d love to read an excerpt from your latest release. Don’t forget to share a buy link with us.
Shyanne’s Secret-
It took her all day to work up the nerve to go see him but after that display of stupidity she’d witnessed in town, she was more determined to meet Cole Jackson. She stopped at a safe distance from the house, and wondered what excuse she would use for being there in the dark of night. She shrugged to herself and decided to worry about that when the time came. It would come because she fully intended on introducing herself to him. Tonight.
As she knelt and found several small stones to toss, she wondered which of the upstairs windows was his. Then, just as she was about to leave the safety of the trees and walk up toward the porch, the front door opened. Cole’s Aunt Rita stepped out, holding aloft a lantern, her shawl close around her shoulders. She looked around at the dark clearing before calling out for Cole. After a few long moments passed without a response, Rita returned to the house and closed the door.
Shyanne let out a breath and wondered what to do. If Cole wasn’t here, what could she do? That man just wasn’t making this easy for her. It was just not fair after she’d nearly fallen in the ravine lying between her house and his. She’d fought back her fear when an owl swooped down not far from where she’d stopped to rest for a minute. The owl had gathered its evening meal and disappeared into the sky, leaving Shyanne to wonder what else may lurk in the darkness. She’d been relieved to reach the edge of the clearing where Cole’s house, barn and several outbuildings stood in a semi-circle. Now she wondered at the cleverness of her coming here.
Disappointed, she’d decided to turn around and go back home when the dim glow of a lantern flickered in the barn. She mustered her courage, crept across the clearing, and peered through the door, keeping to the side so she wouldn’t be seen. Cole stood in the wagon, and tossed bags of oats to the floor. She watched, enthralled that his bronze muscular chest showed through his open shirt. She wondered what he’d look like in the authentic dress of the Paiute tribe, although he was a striking site in the snug denim pants and open shirt of the white man.
He emptied the wagon and jumped to the ground. Her gaze cautiously searched the barn to be sure he was alone. Once satisfied, she turned her attention back to the wagon, but Cole was gone.
She waited for a full minute before she decided to venture in. She stepped inside, waited, and listened. After a moment, she heard him rustle around up in the loft. He climbed down the ladder, grabbed the lantern, and took it up with him, leaving Shyanne in semi-darkness. Draping her shawl on the wagon beside the ladder, she climbed silently up and peeked over the edge. The lantern was hung on a hook from the ceiling. Cole lay on his back on a pallet, his dark hair splayed out around his golden face, his eyes closed. She was nearly overcome with excitement, and her stomach fluttered as her grip tightened on the rung.
She took a deep breath, and called out. “Cole, I’m coming up. Don’t let me fall.”
For more excerpts from Shyanne’s Secret, Her Perfect Manand the ShadowsForge series, stop by my website at http://jenagalifany.bravehost.com . Enjoy!
Elaine - Thanks for having me over to share with your readers. I appreciate you!
Jena’ Galifany
Come back soon, Jena. Your book sounds fantastic.