My Books!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Sweet Saturday Sample: Wedding Reception II

Welcome to Sweet Saturday Sample. My excerpt today is from my new release The Enchanted. In this excerpt, my hero and heroine who have been married in an arranged marriage are at their wedding reception. After you look at my sentences please go to and find some more super authors and their samples.

Morgane inclined her head and allowed him to take her

hand. As they moved to the center of the great hall, the musicians

began a lively, catchy tune. "Shall we?" Bowing to the princess, he

took her in his arms and the dance began. She was feather-light, but

her face betrayed the pain this dance caused her. He prayed it

would end soon, for he had no desire to inflict pain on her.

They danced alone for a minute or so before King Bowdyn

took Queen Donella's hand and joined them. The other guests

followed onto the floor. When they finally were able to sit down,

Alan whispered, "My father's wise woman can look at your feet. I

think she can make you feel much more comfortable. She has great

"Thank you.ʺ
They stayed at the festivities for two hours, the minimum

amount of time dictated by good manners. With relief Alan turned

to the princess who had not proved a stimulating conversationalist.

"Would you like to retire? We have stayed the obligatory time."
Morgane met his eyes for the first time that evening. The

desperation he saw there chilled him. "I would ask a favor of you."


Forced by his father into a marriage he didn’t want, Prince Alan soon finds that his bride isn’t the sweet, submissive creature he expected. Morgane has the heart of a dragon and beauty beyond compare, but she isn’t thrilled about the marriage either. When black treachery threatens the kingdom, Morgane and Alan embark on a perilous journey that has an excellent chance of ending in failure and death for them and all of their people.

The Sentence is available at most online retail outlets.



  1. Great cliffhanger! Can't wait to read the book and find out what the favor is. And I still don't know why her feet are sore. These short snippets generate more and more questions!

  2. Alan is so thoughtful and considerate.

  3. Okay, now I'm holding my breath until I find out what's coming next.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Yay! I love a good makes me want to keep reading! Great excerpt!

  5. I'm curious to find out what the favor is. and what is wrong with her feet. I may have missed that from an earlier excerpt.

  6. Too short, Elaine!
    You must give us another hundred words at least.
    I want to know that request!

  7. He sounds like a very attentive husband!
