My Books!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Beyond the Book: Inspiration Comes From Culture

“Have you ever used real-life events from the news or from history as central scenes in your stories?”

I believe that all authors use both current evens and history in their writing. How could they not? Authors are a part of the culture in which they live, and that culture includes both the present and the past. A quick look at the components of culture explains more.

Culture of course is defined as the shared products of human groups including both material items and nonmaterial culture such as ideas, religion, political beliefs, family patterns and language, etc. 

Technology is one component of culture. Some cultures have what we call superior technology, but all cultures have technology.

Cultures also have symbols. Like the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, for example. 

Language is definitely a part of culture. If you’ve traveled much this was very obvious to you. Not everyone speaks English.

Lastly, culture is composed of norms, mores, and folkways such as what is good and bad, right and wrong, etc,

I think that any plot an author can devise is influenced by the attributes of their culture. Cultures do change so it’s quite easy to see how historical fiction can be created. Most of my work is contemporary, but of course you can still find the historical influence of culture in my work. I wrote a book titled The Enchanted (one of my CR titles that’s out of print.) The descriptions of castles, rulers, war, and belief in the supernatural figured heavily in the book. My first book A New Dream dealt with an ex-convict who wanted to go straight. Deviant behavior is a part of culture too. When I wrote Blue 52 political culture was all through the book. My current WIP, which is almost done, is about a guy who fought in Afghanistan.

I just don’t think you can get away from it. Authors do use both history and current events in their writing. Can you think of a book that doesn’t have either history or current events in it? Let me know!

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