
If you could only have one, which one would you choose and why. Your soulmate, 100 million dollars, or a time machine.
Let’s talk money first. My husband and I have always lived below our means. Our needs are simply. We don’t care what kind of car we drive, we like our house, but it isn’t a showplace by any means. We don’t wear designer clothes, and we’re fine with that. I do love jewelry, but we never spent more than we could afford on it. Travel doesn’t suit either of us so we happily potter about at home or have fun with friends. At our age I sincerely doubt that we’d seriously change our ways. But there’s a lot of things you could do with that much money.
I have several charities that I support, and it makes me happy to think that I could do more for them. Some of the charities are for animal rescue and legislation, and many are for disadvantaged people. There’s so much that needs doing that sometimes it feels overwhelming, but with that much money you could do a lot of good. I could also leave my children the gift of financial freedom. My younger son had an accident in 2020, which has resulted in him being disabled. Nothing can fix him, and it would be nice to think that once his dad and I were gone his family would not have to worry about paying the bills.
Okay, about that time machine. It would be wonderful to revisit some of the high points of my life. I’d love to spend a Christmas with my family again. I’m the last one left, which makes me feel lonely if I stop to think about it. I don’t have any interest in visiting the future. If I could I wouldn’t want to know what’s going to happen, but if I visited the past I think it might break my heart. If I saw my husband and myself when we were young and first married it would hurt my heart to think about that special time in our lives. So, I’m not sure I’d pick this option.
That leaves the soulmate. Do I really think soulmates exist, or is it some romantic fantasy? After some thought I decided that I do believe in soulmates. The term has a romantic connotation so I’ll discuss it from that point of view. Can you be happy with someone who isn’t your soulmate? Probably. Would you be happier if you did find your perfect love? Probably. My cousin, a beautiful, talented artist, died of brain cancer many years ago. Her husband remarried, but I don’t think it was the same for him. The first time I laid eyes on my husband I knew that my future was with him, not the guy I was engaged to. We’ve had a good life together. Occasionally I wonder what would have happened if I had married the other guy. I don’t like to even think about it. I think true love and compassion for each other makes life happy and worthwhile. You could stand a lot that life throws at you if you know someone’s got your back.
A banished detective. A body drained of blood. Mexico’s vampires are all too human.
After graduating from Harvard, Artemas Salcido is determined to transform Mexico’s justice system and joins the federal police. He begins solving crimes committed by the rich and powerful and is banished to the village of Bustamante.
On a college field trip to Bustamante’s nearby caverns, the daughter of a US senator is brutally murdered. The FBI, the international media, and a Mexican hit squad tasked with making the problem go away descend on the village. When Mexico’s attorney general tells Artemas his career depends on his cooperation, Artemas realizes his life is at stake.
As other grisly murders occur, Artemas’s investigation uncovers an ancient blood cult connected to a powerful financial cabal that stretches from mediaeval Europe to Mexico's most influential politicians and businessmen. When he disputes his violent colleagues’ bogus solution to the crime, Artemas is marked for death.
Can Artemas’s determination to bring fairness to Mexico’s justice system prevail against the overwhelming power of his government—or will it prove fatal …?
Christmas Cove
by Sarah Dressler
GENRE: Romance
With only three weeks left in December, travel editor, America Greene, arrives in the idyllic Christmas Cove to find it... Christmasless!
America needs a story, and fast, so she teams up with the town’s good-looking (and eligible) mayor, Leo, to light up Main Street and salvage her chance at being a full-time writer. The connection between them heats up, halls are decked, sleigh bells ring, and lights twinkle. Just when she thinks the holiday is saved, a nearby city threatens the future of Christmas Cove. With her heart, and career, hanging in the balance, she must learn that Christmas is much more than just a place on a map before time runs out.
Night came and went with another solid sleep. America looked at herself in the mirror, unable to believe what she had done, or what she had offered to do. Sure, she knew her reasons for wanting to bring back Christmas were purely in the interest of self-preservation. Wanting to succeed with her first article assignment was a huge driving factor, but the task at hand was so much bigger than anything she should have taken on. There was no denying her reign as the office elf, and she knew that if anyone had enough Christmas spirit to spread around, she did.
Now that the offer was out there, she would need to follow through. One way or another, she was getting her Christmas Cove experience, and an article drafted to prove it. Sure, she had enlisted Leo’s help, but if she had any real chance of success, they would need reinforcements. America checked her watch. Leo would be back any minute to pick her up. In the meantime, she pulled her coat back on and tidied her hastily twisted bun atop her head.
The pine tree, so generously given to her that previous morning by Leo, stood in its bare state beside her. There is nothing sadder than a Christmas tree with no lights. Except perhaps, she thought, one without ornaments too.
“This simply will not do,” America said.
A Word With the Author
1.Did you always want to be an author?
For as long as I can recall, I’ve scribbled in notebooks or on scraps of paper. In high school I tried my hand at poetry and songwriting. When it was time for university, I won scholarships for my writing. In my twenties, I was an award-winning fashion blogger. But it wasn't until years later that I dove fully into novel writing. I suppose you could say destiny persistently knocked on my door until I finally answered.
2.Tell us about the publication of your first book.
Christmas Cove is my debut novel, a sweet holiday romance set in a small New England town. In the summer of 2020, I was preparing to query another book, a speculative thriller, when I found 5 Prince Publishing. I loved their story and what they stood for. Unfortunately, the publisher did not represent the type of book that I was passionately pursuing for publication at the time. A couple years later, I had shelved that earlier project and was ready to query my new book, Christmas Cove. I looked back through screen shots on my phone and saw the one I had taken of the 5PP homepage. I went to the website and submitted my novel. The process from there has been a whirlwind of edits, covers, formatting, checking and checking again for typos, and lastly, promoting the work that I am so very proud of, and the story that I’m thrilled to share with the world.
3.Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in?
I really enjoy Ginny Baird’s writing style. An Unforgettable Christmas, was one of the first books I read in my genre. It’s a story about a man who loses his memory and is taken in by his coworker while he recovers. I love how she weaves her character’s personal growth into her stories.
4.What's the best part of being an author? The worst?
Sometimes, being saddled with so many stories in my head is a curse. Putting the scenes on paper, or screen, is a daunting task. But seeing the stories come to life, knowing that strangers will read something that I created, is the best gift. I always say that the story must be told, and believe deep down that all the stories in my mind were put there for a reason, to share with you.
5.What are you working on now?
I’m currently working through the sequel to Christmas Cove, scheduled for release mid-2024, with my editor. With a new cast of characters, but set in the same small town, Spring Showers is a story of mutual healing and a kind of life changing renewal that only a rainstorm can bring.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Sarah Dressler, originally from Florida, now calls the mountains of Colorado home. Beginning her writing career as an award winning fashion blogger, Sarah now writes fiction full time. She has spent her life traveling the world, first as the daughter of a US Air Force officer, and later as a military spouse. She enjoys sunset walks with her husband of nearly twenty years, and raising two very busy teenagers.
Buy Links
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Cove-Sarah-Dressler-ebook/dp/B0CBD7Q57L/
iTunes: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id6460122265
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/christmas-cove-sarah-dressler/
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/christmas-cove
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1420736
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Sarah_Dressler_Christmas_Cove?id=Rl_QEAAAQBAJ
5PP: https://www.5princebooks.com/sarahdressler.html
Socia Media
5PP Page: https://www.5princebooks.com/sarahdressler.html
INSTAGRAM AUTHOR PAGE: instagram.com/thesarahdressler,
Sarah Dressler will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
ca Rafflecopter giveaway
by Marianne Arkins
GENRE: Romance
Liv is out to prove her high society fiancé is cheating on her. Can she do it without breaking a nail—or falling in love with Mike, the mechanic?
Olivia "Liv" Leigh, wealthy socialite and spa owner, suspects her fiancé of cheating on her. Drastic steps are required to discover whether appearances are deceiving. And if those steps require a bit of stalking, a change of appearance, a hippo-sized dog named Spike, and sacrificing her manicure to clean house for a sexy-but-sloppy man whose neighbor is determined to break several of the strangest Guinness World Records, why should that be a problem?
Mike Peck, a happily single auto mechanic, is more than content sharing his bachelor pad with piles of laundry, dirty dishes, and a sneaky ferret. But when a half-crazed woman in a bad wig shows up on his doorstep, what's a nice guy to do?
Why, invite her in, unknowingly help her in her search for the truth and, in the process, fall head over heels with a woman who's never been less his type.
When Geoff had canceled their lunch date today, the day before he left on a short business trip, she’d grown suspicious. Since their engagement three months ago, they hadn’t gone twenty-four hours without seeing each other—except when Geoff was out of town. He should have been desperate to see her one last time before he left.
Surely there was an explanation for this. And yet, when she’d phoned to discuss it with him, his secretary had indicated he could not be disturbed, was in a meeting all morning and then would be at home, but still unavailable until four o’clock. Didn’t Miss Leigh check her voice mail? She was certain Mr. Quigley had called to cancel their lunch date.
Sure enough, Geoff had called and begged off. He was terribly busy, and something unexpected had arisen. He’d make it up to her when he arrived back in town.
A meeting? That Liv could understand. Life with Daddy had prepared her for small disappointments. Business came first, after all. But as long as she’d known him, Geoff had never left his job at her father’s law office early. Why would he do so today, just to go home? Could it have something to do with the receipt from Lucky Lady Lingerie? Maybe he was meeting the lucky lady herself. If so, she intended to find out.
My Review
I forgot that this book review up up this week until last Sunday night. I immediately started reading. I was scared that I'd never get the book done in time, but I shouldn't have been. One Love for Liv is a really good read. In fact, I read more than half of it on Sunday night and only stopped reading because I had to get up early the next morning. So I finished it on Monday afternoon, and I was sorry it wasn't a little longer. It was the cutest romance I've read in a long time. Both Liv and Mike were fantastic characters. I especially liked Liv. She was cute, funny, and I loved her imaginary picturing of things she wanted to happen. Geoff, the cheating guy she was engaged to, and her domineering father surprised me so much. I'd like to say a lot more about that, but I don't want to spoil the story. Both Liv and Mike grew and changed as the book progressed, and that made me like them even more. The humor in the book suited me to a T. I found myself smiling as I read along. Give this book a chance. I don't think you'll be sorry.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Marianne is originally from California but currently living in the lovely state of Utah with her daughter, two dogs, two cats and one adorable foster hamster. She can’t imagine a world without romance or not having stories rattling around in her brain. There are nights when she dreams a complete story and watches it acted out in her head. Those are the times she wakes up and grabs for a notepad to jot down the important parts – without turning on the light – and hopes it’s coherent in the morning. She’s a member of the Romance Writers of America and heavily involved and indebted to her group of writing friends.
All Retailer Buy Links: https://books2read.com/OneLoveForLiv
One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $10 Amazon/BN.com gift card.
After a year in captivity, a kidnapped child escapes—only to reveal horrific truths that lead her psychologist on a race against time in this thriller from New York Times bestselling author Mike Omer.
When eight-year-old Kathy Stone turns up on the side of the road a year after her abduction, the world awaits her harrowing story. But Kathy doesn’t say a word. Traumatized by her ordeal, she doesn’t speak at all, not even to her own parents.
Child therapist Robin Hart is the only one who’s had success connecting with the girl. Robin has been using play therapy to help Kathy process her memories. But as their work continues, Kathy’s playtime takes a grim turn: a doll stabs another doll, a tiny figurine is chained to a plastic toy couch. All of these horrifying moments, enacted within a Victorian doll house. Every session, another toy dies.
But the most disturbing detail? Kathy seems to be playacting real unsolved murders.
Soon Robin wonders if Kathy not only holds the key to the murders of the past but if she knows something about the murders of the future. Can Robin unlock the secrets in Kathy’s brain and stop a serial killer before he strikes again? Or is Robin’s work with Kathy putting her in the killer’s sights?
My Review:
I don’t usually read books about serial killers, but this book was listed on the Amazon First Reads program, and since I didn’t see anything else I wanted I picked it. It turned out to be a good read too. What did I like about it?
Well in spite of the fact that this was about a serial killer, the author didn’t overwhelm the story with graphic details. Yes, the reader knows the way the victims died, but they don’t get a blow by blow description. If books are too gory I don’t read them. The tension slowly mounted as the book continued and Kathy revealed more information to Robin.
I also liked the pacing of the novel. The author didn’t write as if he was getting paid by the number of words in the book. He moved the story right along, which I definitely appreciate in any book I read.
The characters are well drawn and believable as is Robin’s relationship with her family. That isn’t really the focus of the book, but it helps the reader understand Robin much better.
There were some nice twists and turns in the book. A reader would need to read carefully not to miss one really important clue to solving the crime. I missed it.
All in all I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone who reads that genre.
What do you think? Would this book be just your cup of tea?
The ding of the elevator tore me from his arms and together we stepped inside. I’d never be so happy to see another person inside of the elevator because that meant that he would have to keep his hands occupied. I stepped over to the far corner of the elevator and waited while Jackson hit the floor number.
The instant the door opened, I stepped out and walked ahead of Jackson down the hall to the room where our brunch was being held. I stopped just outside the door, ran my hand over my hair and looked down and ran my hands over my pants, hoping to smooth them out. I took a deep breath and then rounded the corner. Everyone was seated at the table and the second I stepped inside; they all turned their eyes on me and then they fell on the man behind me. Immediately, all talking silenced, and they all stared in our direction.
I noticed immediately that Cara and Ryan gave one another a knowing glance, and then Ryan stood up and cleared his throat. “Well, there they are. We were about to send out a search party.” He said, coming over and guiding me to an empty chair. The second I sat down he turned and shook hands with Jackson and mumbled something to him I could quite make out.
Cara leaned over to me and placed her hand on mine. “Everything okay?” she questioned, glancing over at Jackson and then at me.
My stomach rolled, and I reached for the glass of water in front of me. My hand shook as I took a sip and then nodded. Jackson pulled out the chair beside me and sat down.
“Morning Cara.” He said, ignoring the fact that she was waiting for me to respond. “Sorry to keep everyone waiting.”
“Morning Jackson. No worries.” She answered and then looked at me. “Bailey?” She whispered, “Is everything okay?”
I nodded my head because I knew if I spoke, my voice would give everything away. I brought my water glass to my mouth and took another sip, swallowing hard.
I was sure she’d turn her attention to Ryan while we waited for food, but she didn’t. Instead, she kept her eyes trained on me. “You sure everything is fine?” She asked again. “You look…odd.”
I nodded, “I’m fine.” I whispered, my voice cracking. She squinted her eyes as if she were trying to read me, but I looked away. I was never so glad when Ryan started talking to the entire table, finally taking Cara’s eyes from me.
Ryan said a few words while our food was being served. When the server placed my breakfast in front of me, my stomach rolled at the smell of my egg omelet. I hated lying to my best friend, and I knew she’d take one look at my pale face and she’d know exactly what had happened.
“Be a good girl and eat your breakfast.” Jackson whispered in my ear as his hand slid onto my upper thigh, gently squeezing it. I just about jumped up from where I was sitting when I casually glanced in his direction. He gave me a tiny nod, then leaned over and whispered into my ear.
“Calm yourself. Don’t worry, everything is fine. They don’t know.”
When I looked up from where I’d been staring down at my plate, I noticed Cara watching me with a curious look and it was at that moment I knew she knew.