Things to be Thankful For
"Be thankful for what you
have; you'll end up having more.
If you concentrate on what you don't have,
you will never, ever have enough."
Oprah Winfrey
Don't you just love that quote? It's one of my favorites because it reminds me that there's always something to be thankful for even if you're going through hard times. What am I thankful for this year? Here's my top five.
1.I have a wonderful husband. He keeps telling me to change my profile and tell everyone we've been married for thirty nine years, not thirty four. He supports me in my writing as well as in other ways.
2.I've very grateful for my family and the fact that they all live near me. I don't want my sweet grandchildren to go too far away from Grandma.
3.I'm a writer. I always wanted to be, and now I am, and I have published books to prove it!
4.I'm thankful for
falling snow, a crackling fire, the breeze blowing across the ocean,
mountains stacked one behind the other as far as the eye can see, autumn leaves
reflected in a crystal blue lake, a good book, chocolate, flying over Los
Angeles at night, the internet where I’ve met some people I would never
otherwise have known, my job, blue diamonds, my new ceiling fan, nice china,
white Christmas trees, holiday music, crinkly packages, bird watching, the
smell of baking bread, and so much more!
5.Last but not least I'm thankful for all of you fans and readers out there. It warms my heart to get an email from someone who liked my work. It's also a joy to hear that something I wrote warmed someone else's heart.
I don't have a Thanksgiving story, but would you like an excerpt from a Christmas story? Hope so because I've got one. This excerpt is from The Table in the Window, a short novella. First a blurb, then an excerpt.
Being dumped by your gorgeous fiance is bad enough no matter when it happens, but he did it at Christmas time! Marley thinks she'll never get over it, but Rob Travers disagrees. He sents out to win Maryley's heart, well aware that when she finds out about his past, she may turn her back on him forever.
In this excerpt, my hero's car hit black ice and slid off the road.
In the end, they decided to walk. “Walking will warm us up,” Marley argued, “and I really don’t want to stay here all night. It’s too much like a horror movie to suit me.”
“Are you afraid I am ze vampire in disguise?” He showed her his teeth. “Or perhaps you fear ze werewolf?” This time he howled at her.
Marley laughed. “Your accent is awful, and you forgot about zombies. I’m scared of zombies.”
“What about mummies?”
“No, not so much.”
He stuck his hands out in front of him and lurched toward her. Marley screamed and gave him a push that caused him to laugh until his sides hurt. “That’s one reason why I like you, Marley. You always make me laugh.”
Want to win a copy of the book? Leave a comment telling me one thing you're thankful for, and I'll draw a name out of the hat. I'll announce the winner on Friday. Happy Thanksgiving! Eat plenty of turkey and pumpkin pie for me.