My Books!

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors

Today I'm continuing with my current WIP. There's nothing much to tell you about the book yet because you've already heard most of what I have written so far. On Sunday when you finish here, you can go to www.wewriwa.blogspot to find more excerpts from a talented group of authors.

Last week several of you said that you wish the excerpt was in Alex's POV. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen in the conclusion of scene 1. We pick up her POV in the second scene of Chapter 1.

Last week:

“I never thought you would.”

He reached for her hand and was surprised when she let him take it. “Everything will be fine if you’ll just give it a chance,” he pleaded. “I love you and the boys. Nothing’s changed, and Eric will need a mother as well as a father. Even if you’re mad at me can you find it in your heart to be nice to him? He’s only five years old. He doesn’t understand any of this.”

“Of course.”

She wasn’t listening to him, not now. The vacant expression in her eyes gave her away. Tentatively, he slipped his arms around her, but it was like hugging a beautiful, cold statue. The animation and warmth he’d always felt from her had vanished as if it had never been. It was stupid, but he had to feel her arms around him. “Hold me,” he muttered. When she made no move to hug him, he placed her arms around his waist. She left them there, but she didn’t hold him.

This week's excerpt. Alex speaks first.

“I..ah…I need…”  She frowned. “I can’t remember.”

Icy fear settled in the pit of his stomach. He’d seen shock victims before, and that was exactly the way she was acting. “You said you wanted a nap.”


“Let me tuck you in.”

When she made no reply, he took her arm and led her to the bed. He turned back the covers, and she obediently sat down on the side of the bed while he slipped her sandals off. “You have a nice nap. I’ll see you at dinner.”

Her eyes closed as she tugged the covers around her shoulders. He saw her shiver. Maybe this nap was a good thing. She’d be more herself after she slept for a while. They could talk again tonight after she’d had some dinner and maybe a good stiff drink.

She didn’t get out of bed or really wake up for almost twenty four hours. 


  1. His news literally sucked the life out of her. Waiting to see how she's recovered from it when she wakes up . . .

  2. Ah, how does one ever fully recover from that news. She might be more angry than shocked when she wakes.

  3. Hmmm, seems kind of an overreaction to me but then we don't know all the backstory and etc., here. The snippet is very well done, her state of mind comes through clearly.

  4. I don't blame her for wanting to retreat into sleep. Such a betrayal, coming out of nowhere, must be excruciatingly painful. I wouldn't want to deal with it, and sleep is a great way to keep everyone at bay. Great snippet! Tweeted.

  5. I cannot imagine receiving such news! I'd be worried about how long she's asleep, though. Good snippet. I really wonder how she'll be when she's with him again.

  6. Shock certainly comes to mind and denial. I can see crawling under the covers to keep everyone and everything at bay. I hope he checked on her for sleeping that long.
