My Books!

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Jane Austen Lied To Me

                                              JANE AUSTEN LIED TO ME

by Jeanette Watts




GENRE:  Romantic Comedy






Dear Diary, 


In three years of college, there are seven times my life seemed to suddenly turn into a Jane Austen novel; seven times my life, instead of becoming a romance, turned into a made-for-TV drama.


 What am I doing wrong?




Exclusive Excerpt: 


Nov 18


Today I can’t decide if things suck less, or more now. I stayed up pretty much all night, texting with Eddie. He and Katie had a discussion about religion that upset him. He wants to be a minister, she told him she’s Catholic.


I said, “What’s the problem, you both believe in God, right?”


He said “It’s a big problem, you can’t be a Methodist minister with a Catholic wife. How can you preach to a congregation if your own wife doesn’t subscribe to the same faith?”


Great. So he’s thinking about marrying Katie. I asked him if it wasn’t a little early to talk about marriage, since they weren’t even officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet. He said that if he knew what he wanted, he didn’t see the point in beating around the bush. None of this made me any happier, of course. But I kept on being the good best friend, asking questions and making him talk about it. Every answer was ripping me up inside, but I kept on going, since he needed to talk. At least I get beaucoup “Best Friend” points, right? About 3 in the morning, I think, he told me how great I am, and that I’m the only person in the world he can really talk to. Still channeling Mansfield Park, I told him “You can always tell me anything.” He did say “I know,” before he went back to talking about Katie and how much she’s hurt him. So I’m sleepwalking through my classes today, and all I can think of while I’m supposed to be taking notes in lecture is that boys are stupid.







AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Jeanette Watts has written three Jane Austen-inpsired novels, two other works of historical fiction, stage melodramas, television commercials, and humorous essays for Kindle Vella.


When she is not writing, she is either dancing, sewing, or walking around in costume at a Renaissance festival talking in a funny accent and offering to find new ladies’ maids for everyone she finds in fashionably-ripped jeans.



Contact Links



Twitter: @JAMLW_writer



Instagram: @jeanetteamlwatts

TikTok: @jeanettewattsauthor








The author will award a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn reader via Rafflecopter.




  1. Thank you so much for having me today!

  2. Why do I feel as though I need to read more diary passages? At least I'm not going through someone's very private diary.

  3. I like the excerpt and this sounds like a really great story.

  4. Kim and Sherry, thanks for stopping in on my blog book tour! The entire book is nothing but diary entries. It was an interesting format, and made it a little more of a challenge than just plain ol' first person point of view.
