My Books!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Beyond the Book: How Could You Pick Just One?

What is the one book that you feel you could read over and over without it ever feeling old?”

Wow, what a hard question! If I love a book I read it many times. Usually I’ll find something new and interesting that I missed the first time, and often I just want to experience the book once again. I’ve been doing this since I was a child. I read the Black Stallion series, the Little House Books, and I loved Little Women. There were others that I enjoyed, but I suppose as an older child the one I reread most is My Friend Flicka. It’s about a boy living in Wyoming. His father raises horses and finally lets him choose a horse to be his own personal horse. Unhappily, according to the boy’s father, the son chose poorly. I was totally invested in what would happen to Flicka. I hoped for a good ending, but I didn’t know if it would be possible or not. One reason I read it so many times is probably because the book was really written for an older person. As I grew I was able to pick up more and more things I’d missed before.

As an adult I don’t know what to say. I read a lot. My son saw my reading list and wondered how I read so many books. Well, I’m retired now, and I’ve had a few health issues. There’s nothing to stop me from reading, though. I don’t go back and reread as much as I did when I was younger because there’s so much new material to read. As of late, I find myself rereading Larry McMurtry’s work. The one I liked best was Leaving Cheyenne. I’ve also reread the Amelia Peabody series written by Elizabeth Peters. If you haven’t read about Amelia Peabody you’re missing a treat. 

I’m sorry I can’t narrow it down to just one, but I honestly can’t. What about you? Do you have ONE book you pick up over and over?

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