My Books!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Beyond the Book: Money, Money, Money.

 If you were independently wealthy would it change anything in what type of material you write… or in what manner you would write? 

I think the answer to this question is maybe. Yes, I know I seem to be straddling the fence when I say that, but just think about it for a minute. Have you ever watched a movie or read a book about some long lost relative who left you his entire fortune? I’ve read some of those stories, and truly they’re a fun read. (My own long lost relative is still lost I fear.) Anyway I’d be somewhat lost in the mores and folkways of the truly rich. It would be easy enough to learn how to dress, which fork to use, and such things. But I wonder if on the inside you’d still be the old you. In many ways I think you can change the trappings of the truly wealthy, but I don’t think you could change what’s on the inside. Science tells us that most of who we are is determined in the first three to five years of our live. Going from the middle class to the wealthy would be hard but possible. 

As far as writing goes, being wealthy would surely give you many now experiences to write about. This could stimulate our writing and that would probably lend an edge of realism to our writing. (If you see my long lost relative tell him to hurry home. I want to put my theory to the test.)

As to what manner I would write I don’t think that would change much. Over the years I’ve developed a routine that works for me so why would I change it? (Well, the cook could have my breakfast ready when I got back from my morning walk, but that isn’t really anything related to writing although it would be a small change in my writing routine.) I’ve always heard to write what you know so how can I truly be positive about my answers to this week’s question? Who knows?

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