My Books!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Beyond the Book: Don't Tempt Me

“No matter how many _____ I have, I always have the urge to buy more.” 

I thought about this topic, and it seems to me that most of the things that tempt me most fall into several categories. The first is china. I love fine china, especially holiday china. I have three sets of Christmas china, and not a Christmas went by that I didn’t use them. As I got older my granddaughter offered to handle Christmas for the family. I agreed to her plan without reservation because planning a Christmas gathering for twenty five is a big undertaking. So the last two years my beautiful china hasn’t been used. I’ve seen new pieces that I love, but I leave them in the store. I also have three sets of regular china, but I love the Christmas ones best. I can also add Christmas decorations to this category. I have way too much now, but I can always find more that I want.

The second category that temps me is clothing trimmed in white lace. To me, it’s gorgeous. I have several pieces that I love, but while I’m tempted to buy it most of the time I can restrain myself. Now when it comes to shoes I find so many pretty ones I could probably fill a room with them. The thing is my older feet need good supportive shoes not the strappy ones I love. 

The third category is books. I mostly read ebooks now so I don’t have to worry about space for storage. That being said when I see a book I like I buy it. I think I could resist almost anything but books. I’ve been a reader since I was a child, and I have no intention of stopping anytime soon. I always buy books. I feel kind of sorry for people who don’t read. They don’t know what they’re missing.

“No matter how many _____ I have, I always have the urge to buy more.” 

I thought about this topic, and it seems to me that most of the things that tempt me most fall into several categories. The first is china. I love fine china, especially holiday china. I have three sets of Christmas china, and not a Christmas went by that I didn’t use them. As I got older my granddaughter offered to handle Christmas for the family. I agreed to her plan without reservation because planning a Christmas gathering for twenty five is a big undertaking. So the last two years my beautiful china hasn’t been used. I’ve seen new pieces that I love, but I leave them in the store. I also have three sets of regular china, but I love the Christmas ones best. I can also add Christmas decorations to this category. I have way too much now, but I can always find more that I want.

The second category that temps me is clothing trimmed in white lace. To me, it’s gorgeous. I have several pieces that I love, but while I’m tempted to buy it most of the time I can restrain myself. Now when it comes to shoes I find so many pretty ones I could probably fill a room with them. The thing is my older feet need good supportive shoes not the strappy ones I love. 

The third category is books. I mostly read ebooks now so I don’t have to worry about space for storage. That being said when I see a book I like I buy it. I think I could resist almost anything but books. I’ve been a reader since I was a child, and I have no intention of stopping anytime soon. I always buy books. I feel kind of sorry for people who don’t read. They don’t know what they’re missing.

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