My Books!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hello!  Welcome to my blog.  My guest today is one of my very favorite authors.  Her name is Jennifer Rae Gravely, and I believe you'll like her work as much as I do.  Jennifer, thank you so much for letting me interview you.  I know you're busy now that volleyball season has arrived.  For anyone who didn't know, Jennifer is the volleyball coach for the Pickens High volleyball team.  She's won four state championships.

Jennifer, Can you tell us five things about you that nobody would ever guess? Actually, you’d probably be able to tell if you met me more than once, but I love to change my hair color, and I mean drastically. From blond to a deep red mahogany, and even to an orange creamcicle color I found myself with the other day. In addition, my heroines tend to have the flavor of the season too. For instance, Persephone, from Knight of the Dead, has long, wavy deep red mahogany hair to match my color this past winter when I was writing the romantic suspense. Today I’m a brunette, and my newest heroine Randi has the same light brown color.

Wow! I’m going to count that as two things, Elaine.  Okay, would you believe that I’m actually a shy person, uncomfortable in the spotlight? Yet I always find myself being selected as the spokesperson when in a group situation; others must get the impression that I’m outgoing. Maybe it’s because I can lean toward the bossy side. Just ask my family.

Finally, sports and competition, at times, consume my life. During the volleyball season—I coach varsity volleyball at Pickens High School—I lose myself in the passion of the sport, and in the thrill of winning. With the season started, I’m obsessed with getting my fifth state championship, and a fourteenth for Pickens High School. However, I hope to find some time to write, and to read some great books.

What do you think makes a book a page turner? A solid plot and characters that make you feel.

Which genre of books appeals least to you? Why? Probably anything in the non-fiction section—I read to escape rather than to learn.  Also anything that is super technical. That goes back to the reading as entertainment rather than to further my knowledge these days.

On the average, how long does it take you to write a book? Considering my first unpublished novel and sequel took about ten years, and my published book Knight of the Dead took about six months from start to release, that would put my average at a little less than five years!

LOL.  That's funny.  Readers, I've read those first two books.  You wouldn't believe how good they are.  Would you share your links with us? Right now I’m in the process of designing a website with a blog, and I haven’t taken the plunge into the world of twitter. Remember, I told you, I am a shy person at heart! But you can find Knight of the Dead at Astraea Press, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and any number of other sites offering ebooks under Jennifer Rae Gravely.

We’d love to read an excerpt. Be sure to give us a buy link. Thanks, Elaine, for letting me stop by your blog.

From chapter two: the heroine works at a daycare, and is waiting with the new child for the father.

The pristine white SUV pulled in the church parking lot at a

quarter to six. This had to be him. Persephone ushered Rose out the

door and met the businessman as he slid from his vehicle. At least

six feet two inches with broad shoulders and an athletic build, he

oozed confidence as he stepped forward.

He didn’t offer an apology for keeping her waiting but

instead addressed the child, “How did you like your first day,

Rosebud?” He ruffled her short brown hair.

“My teacher read me a story about a giraffe. When can we

go see a giraffe?” Rose hopped from side to side.

“Someday,” he answered. “When it gets warmer.” He pulled

her navy blue wool coat tighter around her, but they continued to

stand in the space beside his immaculately detailed vehicle.

Persephone didn’t have time for the tender moment, but she

tried to remain patient rather than risk offending the man. Rose

resembled her father, with the same blue eyes and high

cheekbones. Even though his dark hair belied a hint of gray at the

temples, it did nothing to detract from his arresting good looks. No

doubt his wife was gorgeous too — the picture perfect family. An

unexpected wave of envy caught Persephone off guard.

“Can Miss Purr-So-Funny come home with us and read

another story?”

After glancing in Persephone’s direction, he turned his

attention to his daughter. “It’s Persephone,” he corrected. “Did

Miss Persephone tell you the story of her name? Her story explains

why we have spring.” Rose shook her head and then looked at

Persephone in excited anticipation.

Persephone hesitated. She needed to be gone ten minutes

ago. “Can I tell you tomorrow morning?” It was now completely

dark, and she still had one headlight that didn’t work on her car.

Rose looked crushed. “I thought you were coming home

with us.”

Persephone shook her head slowly. “Not tonight. I have


“We’re not going home anyhow, Rosebud.” The father

opened the back door and hoisted Rose to the booster seat and

buckled her in. Rose waved, and then he closed the door.

As Persephone turned to leave, Rose’s father spoke, “I have

to go back to my office. I know you said you had plans, but I really

need someone to watch Rose while I work. I’ll pay you thirty

dollars an hour.” His blue eyes were serious. “Cash.”

Persephone quickly did the math. “I need to run an errand

first. Can you give me the address and I’ll meet you there?”

“Absolutely.” He reached in the pocket of his brown blazer

and pulled out a business card. She noticed the wedding band as he

handed her the card. His nails were trimmed and neat. The address

was on the north side of town. “It’s the free standing white-washed

house with the towering magnolia tree in the front beside the


“I know the place.” She smiled, looking up into his blue

eyes. “The old Timmon’s Home at the end of the business block on

North Main Street.” Breaking her eyes from his intensity, she

glanced again at the card.

“Yes,” he confirmed. He ran his hand through his dark hair,

making the front flip up. “I’ll tell Rose that you’ll join us later.

She’ll be thrilled.”

“She’s a sweet girl. See you soon, Mr. Lawrence.”

Persephone spun on her heel and paced the length of the

playground to the employee lot. She checked her phone for the

time. Ten minutes. Maybe she could still make it.

Jennifer, thank you so much for sharing with my readers.  Persephone is a heroine that most of us can relate to and admire.  In one week she gets thrown out of an insurance agency, loses her job, is mistaken for a ...  Well, never mind.  As you can see, there's a lot going on!  Here's a link to the book at Astraea Press.  They sell pretty much all formats there.

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