My Books!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

A Very Modern Marriage


A Very Modern Marriage

by Rachel Brimble




GENRE: Historical romance






He needs a wife...

Manchester industrialist William Rose was a poor lad from the slums who pulled himself up by his bootstraps, but in order to achieve his greatest ambitions he must become the epitome of Victorian respectability: a family man.


She has a plan...

But the only woman who's caught his eye is sophisticated beauty Octavia Marshall, one of the notorious ladies of Carson Street. Though she was once born to great wealth and privilege, she's hardly respectable, but she's determined to invest her hard-earned fortune in Mr Rose's mills and forge a new life as an entirely proper businesswoman.


They strike a deal that promises them both what they desire the most, but William's a fool if he thinks Octavia will be a conventional married woman, and she's very much mistaken if she thinks the lives they once led won't follow them wherever they go.


In the third instalment of Rachel Brimble's exciting Victorian saga series, The Ladies of Carson Street will open the doors on a thoroughly modern marriage – and William is about to get a lot more than he bargained for...






Louisa and Jacob’s conversation dimmed as Mr Rose slowly turned his gaze to Octavia. She barely resisted the urge to flinch. His eyes were as dark as his hair, their gaze so intense it was as though he looked to read her thoughts, desires and dreams. The notion was bizarrely unnerving, intoxicating and a frisson of trepidation – or maybe shameful anticipation – shivered through her. Suddenly it didn’t seem such a bad idea to allow Mr Rose’s unexpected visit to play out. Yet, impromptu admittance was not the Carson Street way…


As Louisa and Jacob seemed too imbedded in debate to address Mr Rose and his companions, Octavia raised her chin and held Mr Rose’s unwavering stare. ‘I’m sorry, Mr Rose, but it’s house policy that no girl spends time alone with a man we do not know. Therefore, I kindly ask that you leave for the time being. However, if you wish—’


‘Now, now, Octavia,’ Louisa said firmly as she brushed past her. ‘I don’t think it’s necessary to toss Mr Rose so unceremoniously out of our establishment on such a cold and dreary night, do you?’


‘Louisa…’ Octavia looked pointedly at her friend, her eyebrows raised. ‘Jacob is right. Mr Fairham should not have taken it upon himself to offer his friend’s unkept appointment to Mr Rose. Therefore, Mr Rose should leave.’


Octavia faced Mr Rose and, once again, fought the urge to flinch when she found herself the object of his intense study a second time. She pulled back her shoulders. He had better think again if he thought for one minute she might be intimidated by him.

A Word With the Author

1.Did you always want to be an author?


My passion for writing was stirred awake when I was about 8 or 9 and discovered Enid Blyton’s Secret Seven series. I absolutely loved these books and they inspired me to start writing short stories which I would bind with ribbon – I really wish I had kept them!

But then real life got in the way and my dream fell to the wayside until my youngest daughter started school in 2005 and I had a ‘now or never’ moment. Two years later, my first novel was published by The Wild Rose Press, and I’ve had at least one book a year published ever since.

2.Tell us about the publication of your first book.

See above! Searching For Sophie was my first attempt at a novel and I eagerly submitted to agents but after about a dozen rejections, one of my writer friends suggested I try US publisher, The Wild Rose Press. The rest is history!


3.Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in?


Ha! I wouldn’t say I am my own favorite author – there are far too many authors I admire in my genre 😊 My current favorites in historical romance are Julia London and Julia Quinn who write fabulous stories and fabulous characters with an abundance of wonderful humor throughout. Just brilliant!

4.What's the best part of being an author? The worst?

Hmm, this is a difficult question…

I think the best part is seeing your cover for the first time (if you like it, of course!) and then holding the physical book for the first time. That never gets old, EVER!

The worst part for me is the plotting – A Very Modern Marriage is my 28th novel and I still struggle with plotting. It’s all well and good having that initial idea, but it’s stretching it to 90,000 words that presents a problem! Somehow, I manage to work through it every time and when my editor reads it he or she is there to cheer me on with any tweaks.


5.What are you working on now?


I am hoping to soon receive a contract for the first in what I hope will be a series set in past British Royal courts – If my plans play out as I hope, this series will run to five books ending with the court of King George VI. I can’t say much more than that at the moment, I’m afraid…




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Rachel lives in a small town near Bath, England. She is the author of over 25 published novels including the Ladies of Carson Street trilogy, the Shop Girl series (Aria Fiction) and the Templeton Cove Stories (Harlequin).


Rachel is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association as well as the Historical Novel Society and has thousands of social media followers all over the world. 


To sign up for her newsletter (a guaranteed giveaway every month!), click here:











Rachel Brimble will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.



  1. wow, you started writing at a young age, that's great!

  2. I enjoyed the word with you, Rachel, and I enjoyed the excerpt! A Very Modern Marriage sounds like a great read for me to enjoy! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a wonderful day!

  3. Thank you for sharing this author interview and book details, this sounds like a wonderful read
