My Books!

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors


 Welcome to my blog. Today I'd like to share an excerpt from my all time favorite book Blue 52. On Sunday when you finish here you can go to for more excerpts from a talented group of authors. 


"First Lady Kills President Lovinggood" 

December 5, 2018 

Thirty years later, Hank Lovinggood embarks on a quest to prove his mother's innocence and punish the killers who took his family from him. Together Hank and lovely physicist Dr. Kathryn Sinclair confront an implacable, twisted, and merciless enemy who'll do whatever it takes to hide the truth forever.

Last Week's Excerpt: 

When they came home from the hospital, his father had carried her upstairs and stayed with her the entire evening.

Had some of his father’s aides fussed at him for missing appointments? He thought he remembered his father bellowing at them and telling them to leave him alone.

What in the name of God happened on that mountain where they died?

The senator cleared his throat and claimed Hank’s attention. “I always regretted not keeping his watch for you.”

Hank stared at the watch on his father’s arm. “I guess he doesn’t have any need for it now,” he quavered. He bit his lip hard, but his eyes watered anyway. He swiped them with his hand before his grandfather could see.

Senator Lovinggood didn’t act a bit ashamed of his tears. “I’ll tell Sinclair to get it for you.”

Today's Excerpt: Hank and the Senator arrive at the Sinclair Mortuary to view the remains of Hank's mother and father. 

Today's Snippet

Hank nodded. He had to. At the moment he couldn’t have spoken to save his life.

The senator cleared his throat. “Uh, I, uh...wondered if you’d like Elizabeth’s diamond too. One of these days you might want to give it to your wife.”

After thirty years, vague, nebulous doubts and fears finally crystallized, and Hank fell firmly in line with his grandfather’s belief; his mother had not shot his father. Several days ago he had accepted the popular view of her guilt, but he had been wrong. She couldn’t have done it. Every distant memory he had gave the lie to the established version of their deaths. “Yes, I want her ring.”

Neither of them knew exactly how long they stood there. It might have been a few minutes, but it might have been a few hours. Time didn’t seem relevant anymore. At this moment, the past really did touch the present. For all Hank knew, the future might have just changed as well.


  1. Sounds like a lot of things are about to change. If his mind changed as to what happened, I think he'll want to know what really happened to his parents. And I don't think he'll stand for the old explanation any longer.

    1. Yes, this is the first step that will change Hank forever.

  2. I'm glad Hank has decided that he believes in his mother's innocence, and I hope he gets to use that diamond someday.

    I'd have been here to comment sooner, Elaine, but I had trouble with the link. Might have just been my browser. I kept getting redirected to the AOL homepage.

  3. I'm glad Hank came to the realization his mother was innocent of the crime she was accused of. I hope he can get to the bottom of who actually shot his father. I too had trouble with your link. Had to google you to get here.

  4. Heart wrenching, which means it was a good scene. Nicely done. I also was directed to the AOL homepage. I am glad I persevered and found your lovely snippet.
