My Books!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Beyond the Book: Pick an Option


Test Day! No Right Or Wrong Answers

If you could pick only one of the answers below which one would you choose?

A. The ability to speak and understand many languages

B. The ability to create wonderful works of art

C.The skill to cook any dish

D.The means to purchase anything you like 

Okay, everyone finished? Here’s what I would pick. Option D. But why? Maybe I’m a money grubbing peasant, but I had a hard time choosing between D and B so give me a little credit for that, please. My cousin was a wonderful artist. Her work was delicate and mostly done in pastel colors. She also wrote a music book. Oh, yes, she had musical talent too. Ir not for her premature death in her thirties I firmly believe she would be a well known artist today. I admired her so much. I imagined myself doing the same thing and laughed at myself. I’d never create such masterpieces, but I could write, and I’ve been so proud of that.

I didn’t pick A because I’ve gotten older now, and traveling tires me so much. I don’t think many people in my little town speak more than English, a little Spanish, and some Lebanese and Chinese. Come to think of it, in a town this small that’s more than I expected. Still, choosing this option seems like wouldn’t be my best choice.

Well, what about cooking? I don’t like to cook much, and everything I like is fattening so I would never pick this one.

So why did I pick the money? There are so many things I would do with it. I have several charities that I donate to, and with the money I could help more people and animals. Do you have any idea how expensive colleges are? Neither did I until after I told my grandson I’d pay for his education. He moves into his dorm on August 17th. My son was working in his small engine repair business and fell down, breaking his back in four places and giving him a traumatic brain injury. I would send him to the best doctors in the world with that money.

So which would you choose?

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