My Books!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Beyond the Book: Underwear, Prowlers and Much More

My grandmother was one of the finest women I ever knew. She kept us during the summer when school was out, and we loved every single minute of it. Here are five of the many things she taught me. Number 1 Always wear good underwear when you go out. If you were in an accident the doctors and nurses might see holes or bleach stains, and that would disgrace the family. I didn’t think much more about it. But then my mother said the same thing at a different time. Maybe there was something to it after all. Nothing bad ever happened to me so after a time I quit worrying about it, but I still go out in good underwear. One day a car might hit me, and if so I won’t disgrace the family.

 Number 2 She also taught us how to take on a prowler if you had no gun. My grandmother lived with her Uncle Will and Aunt Margaret. They didn’t live too close to town, and Uncle Will left the family at home one day to feed the animals, etc. Someone must have known Uncle Will was spending the night in town because in the dead of night they heard someone checking the windows one by one to find an entrance to the house. Aunt Margaret made the children hide in the house. Then she drew hot water from her wood stove and flung the door open. Before the man could get inside the house Aunt Margaret hit him in the face with the hot water and yelled for the dogs. He ran screaming down the road. My grandmother said girls should be prepared for prowlers, and she wanted us to remember what Aunt Margaret had taught her.  

 Number 3 Grandma never wasted her money. The little amounts added up after a while. By the time they retired they had enough money saved to give our family a down payment on a house. My mon and dad live in that house until the day they died. I learned this lesson well, but I’m afraid my sister didn’t. She was great at learning the fourth thing, though. 

 Number 4 Love and help your friends and neighbors if they need it.My grandmother had a friend with a large family who lived across the road from them. They had little money and seldom had the small treats that my grandmother had for her children. So every Sunday morning before church she baked a cake, and my grandfather took across the road to her friend. She did things of this kind all the time. When she died there wasn’t a dry eye in the church. 

 Number 5 My grandmother was a religious woman who delighted in her church and faith. She told us Bible stories and made the stories come alive. She was never phony, and like everyone who knew her she exemplified the tenants of her faith. Was she perfect? No but she was perfect in my eyes. Tell us a little about your grandmother. I bet she taught you a lot too.

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