I have a treat for you today. Author K.M. Daughters, who is really two lovely women Kathie and Pat, stopped by to talk about their new release Capturing Karma. This is the latest addition to their series on the Sullivan brothers. The series began with Against Doctors Orders, and if you leave a comment you'll be entered in a drawing for an autographed copy of the book. (Against Doctors Orders)
In addition to the book, if you leave a comment you'll be entered in a random drawing for two sterling Chamilia “Sisters” charms and a Claddagh charm (fitting for a Sullivan Boy) that fit Pandora style bracelets.
Now for that interview.
1. Tell me about yourself. Anything you want the listeners to know about your background - things that will make us feel like they’re getting to know you.
Author K.M. Daughters equals double life experiences and personal histories for two diverse women with surprisingly similar thinking styles. We’re wives, mothers, and, in Kathie’s case, a grandmother.
Pat was a single parent to her two girls for five years and after remarrying, to the love of her life, became stepmother to a son. Kathie is married to her teenage sweetheart and has two sons and three grandchildren – and she’s the younger sister – child bride !
Pat has a degree in Spanish and Sociology from Douglass College. Her work experience includes customer service, management, and communications positions for various corporations. She founded three relocation-related small businesses in the late 90’s and currently is the President of that enterprise. Kathie’s work experience includes accounting, finance, and retail business ownership/management. She currently runs a real estate appraisal management firm and serves as its Chief Financial Officer.
Our day jobs are demanding, but we still manage to budget writing time around our current bread-on-the-table careers and family. We dream about the day when writing IS a full-time career. Won’t that be marvelous?
2. How long does it take you to write a book? How many books do you produce in a year?
We produce two to three books a year from inception to fully edited and ready for production.
3. What is the hardest part of writing?
Line editing and proof reading is the most laborious.
4. What is the easiest part of writing?
Our read-through after a completed initial draft.
5. How much of yourself are in your books? Your personality and personal experiences?
Our characters don’t resemble us at all. Team writing yields K.M. Daughters’ unique voice – neither Pat nor Kathie. Football and baseball fan preferences tend to filter through in our books, as does our addiction to Starbucks, and Lou Malnati’s (Chicago deep dish) pizza. Note to our children: your parents cannot be “found” in any sex scenes we have written…or will write. It’s safe to read our books in their entirety.
6. What prompted you to submit your first book?
A sense of heavenly direction. JEWEL OF THE ADRIATIC, our first submission, is an inspirational romance (The Wild Rose Press, now published by the separate subsidiary, White Rose Publishing Company) that was “given” to us in an adoration chapel. Pat read a notice of a call for submissions issued by the publisher. The novel features Marian apparitions, and roses are associated with these supernatural occurrences. It seemed meant. In retrospect it was meant.
7. Do TV, Films, and Radio influence your writing? If so, how?
Regardless of sub-genre, our romances are contemporary, and we do reference radio music and films occasionally in our narratives. An example, from BEYOND THE CODE OF CONDUCT, a bit of irony surrounding the TV showing of the movie, Mr. And Mrs. Smith. Our heroine was tempted to play the Mrs. Smith role at the time.
8. Could you tell us about your path to publication, any sprints or stumbles?
Actually, JEWEL OF THE ADRIATIC, our first published work, was rejected by The Wild Rose Press. Sr. Editor, Nicola Martinez, specified why – the story didn’t “grab her” in the first chapter. We assumed that if ever rejected, we’d accept the situation gracefully, and submit elsewhere. But we weren’t ready to give up on The Wild Rose Press. We revised the manuscript, and totally out of character, asked for Nicola’s permission to resubmit. Graciously, she agreed, and yippee! She offered us a contract on January 26, 2008. Around noon. Five hours later, Joelle Walker, our treasured Crimson Rose Editor (The Sullivan Boys series) offered us a contract for AGAINST DOCTORS ORDERS. What an insanely, glorious day!
9. Do you have any hot news or contests?
Hot news! The Wild Rose Press just contracted our fourth Sullivan Boys book, ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE AND LAW.
10. Please include links to your public email, website, blogs, My Space etc.
We love visitors at http://www.kmdaughters.com. You’ll find us http://www.Facebook.com/kmdaughters, http://www.Twitter.com/kmdaughters
and http://www.myspace.com/kmdaughters.
11. Could you please share a blurb and excerpt with us?
Veterinarian Matty Connors’ visions lead her to homicide detective Brian Sullivan once again despite her resolve to remain anonymous the past four years. Her official work with the police in California resulted in the brutal murder of her fiancé, and since, a recurrent nightmare she barely survives. Brian, the reputed ladies man of the Sullivan family, has yet to give his heart to a woman until Matty lays claim to it. His black-and-white approach to solving crimes doesn’t jibe with Matty’s spooky pronouncements or her reputation for alleged infallibility. A wild goose chase searching for a murder weapon casts doubt on Matty’s “truths” and threatens their smoldering romance. Is Brian her nightmare slayer and ultimate truth? When the puzzle pieces fall in place for Brian, will it be too late to save Matty?
An Excerpt From Capturing Karma:
“Hi,” he said, a single syllable that touched off a concussion of illogical pleasure inside her.
“Hi, Brian,” she responded, tamping down the temptation to hug him hello. “How’s the new baby doing?”
“Great, thanks. How’s that bump on your head?”
Matilda touched an edge of one of the butterfly strips over her eyebrow. “Turning every color of the rainbow, but it’s fine.”
He swiveled his head toward the throaty bark of the wolfhound in the corner of the room, then scanned the other occupants in the lounge: primate, feline, porcine, wolfish and human. “Steve told me you’re a great vet. Looks like you’re pretty swamped here.”
“Shamus and I split the patient load,” she said.
“And Shamus is?”
“My brother. He came for me at the hospital yesterday?”
Brian’s eyes bored into her, a sexy smile twitched the corner of his lips. “Good.”
“And ‘good’ means?”
“The big guy isn’t competition. That’s good.”
“Ah. So we’re clear. What competition would that be?”
The sexy smile twitched again. “For but a smile from sweet Matty,” he lilted in an Irish brogue.
Squelching an impulse to grin, she molded her face serious and parroted a brogue, “Ah but woe to the knave who plies smiles with an untrue heart.”
She grinned now. “What can I do for you, Brian? Did you get an estimate to repair your car?”
“It’s about that letter you brought me. It’s related to a case. We need your help.”
Of course. “I gave you the letter. You know as much as I do. “Her heart hammered, nothing to do with the pulse acceleration from earlier flirtation. I can’t go further with this case. No matter what I have to stay anonymous.
Ladies, thanks for stopping by. I wish you much success in your writing careers.