My Books!

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Smile More Stress Less


Smile More Stress Less

by Geoffrey Saign




GENRE: Self-Help






Want one easy method to end anxiety, stress, sadness, loneliness, fear, & anger? While maximizing happiness, inner peace, and self-awareness?


One quick way to cut through all negative emotions? And have fun doing it?


~Savvy & easy workbook exercises ensure success!~


In just minutes a day this playful yet smart approach can:


*End inner and outer conflicts

*End anxiety, worry, fear, anger, boredom, and self-doubt

*Increase healthy relationships with everyone in your life

*End illusions in your life and maximize clarity

*Rewire your brain to live with deep intelligence

*Become your own AAA+ rated super-counselor

*Help you discover the Power of HERE

*Allow your natural joy to blossom


This hands-on, A+B = C approach will supercharge your brain function, improve your emotional intelligence, and change your life!


~Finalist Forward INDIES Self-Help Book of the Year 2020~ (Winner TBA 6/17/2021)






The thought process is regarded as a sign of human intelligence, yet our thoughts often sabotage what we do and are unaware, negative, and create stress. We’re running an old program in our brain’s neural net. Worse, we’re addicted to the repetitive thought process. It feels good, safe, right. It feels like us. Who we are. Our thoughts create feelings and emotions which, even if we don’t always like them, are a known process that continually reinforces itself in the brain. 


Minor adjustments are not enough to alter the brain’s stress process. The brain’s neural net needs a system overhaul, a complete update and reboot. We’re going to take thought off its pedestal and get real with it.


Too often we feel that to attain awareness means taking a very serious, “adult” approach to life, like a monk sitting in a cave for a decade. But it can be a playful adventure with childlike wonder.


Our INTENT in this process is the WHY of what we’re doing. Our intent is to consciously break up our habitual neural pattern—mechanical, negative thoughts—by informing and teaching the brain to change. In essence, to rewire itself. If the brain understands what we are trying to do, and why, it will listen. It has no choice. You can be the master of wiring your neural net to a positive state.

A Word With the Author:

1.Did you always want to be an author?


I began writing in my mid-twenties—picture books. Then five years later I did novels and nonfiction. I love all of it.

2.Tell us about the publication of your first book.


Green Essentials; What You Need to Know About the Environment, was the first book I published with a literary house in San Francisco, CA.  I spent five years researching it, had national endorsements, and then the publisher completely blew the marketing. Also environmental books were beginning to sag right around the same time. Still, I learned a lot, enjoyed it, and never have any regrets.

3.Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in?


I write in several genres; Nonfiction, YA fantasy, and Thrillers. In thrillers it would have to be Alistair Maclean/Ludlum; in fantasy Tolkein; in nonfiction J. Krishnamurti.


4.What's the best part of being an author? The worst?

There are no ‘worst’ parts of being an author. The most challenging is definitely marketing. That makes or breaks your success and as an Indie author, you have to delve into it to succeed. With more and more authors and more and more books, it’s difficult to get seen. I have 3 movie contracts for my books, a 4th coming, so that should help!


5.What are you working on now?

Right now I’m writing the Pitch Bible for my YA fantasy series. The Pitch Bible is a 30-40pp document that has a short synopsis of your book, character summaries, and 1-2pp on each of 10 one hour episodes for the first season on a streamer, say like Netflix. Exciting!




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Geoffrey Saign began reducing stress by practicing mindfulness at the age of fifteen. For fifty years he studied many modalities for mind-body calming and awareness, including Qigong, tai chi, kung fu, meditation, biofeedback, positive psychology, and many others. He co-designed and taught a cutting-edge, research-based self-awareness class to young adults for ten years. In 2020 the author experienced a major breakthrough in mind-brain-body awareness, which led to him Living with intelligence HERE, and the resulting book, Smile More Stress Less.












Geoffrey Saign will be awarding a $30 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.





  1. Glad to be here! I'll stop by later to answer any questions or respond to comments!

  2. Sounds like a very good book.
