My Books!

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

For Better & For Worse


For Better & For Worse

by Quint Emm Ellis




GENRE:   Christian Romance






These ex-lovebirds are busy building a nest for one. But can she be convinced to make room for him, too?

Despite attending the same congregation and university, Ashe and Stephen's circles had never seemed to cross.

One class project changed everything...for the better; until secrecy and youthful indiscretion pulled them apart.

Will an unexpectant reunion in their adult years allow Ashe and Stephen to rewrite a history riddled with regret and heartbreaking choices?






“It’s open, Dear. Come on in. We’re all in the backyard,” she heard an unfamiliar woman’s voice say over the doorbell’s integrated camera and intercom system.


“Oh,” she responded, bending down a bit to look into the camera as she resettled the pan in both hands. Unsure if the ghost that’d just occupied the device was still there, she decided to err on the side of caution and manners. “Thank you.”



Rebalancing her offering on one hand, she wrapped her free hand around the cool, metal door knob. The scent of bar-b-que, the sound of laughter and an overwhelming sense of home and comfort greeted her as she took her first steps inside the cozy home. Her shoulders relaxed as she continued to follow the sounds of something sizzling on the grill and of voices that felt both familiar and foreign.




Though Ashe paused, the hairs on her skin slowly stood on end. 


That didn’t sound like Josiah or Liam. And yet, she recognized that man’s voice from somewhere. She tilted her head to one side, blinking through a fog of memory.


“Ashe,” the voice insisted.


Recognition rippled down Ashe’s spine; she knew who was standing just a few feet behind her.


And if she could have just kept walking, she would have; but her body betrayed her— turning of its own volition to meet the source.


The world became dull except for the man who carefully stood from his chair, tossing his book upon the seat’s cushion before striding toward Ashe. He stood in sharp contrast against the scenery that seemed to have become a blur. When he stopped, he was so close she could catch a faint whiff of soap intertwined with a husky, sweet aroma. 


He changed colognes, came the wayward thought in Ashe’s mind.

A Word With the Author

 1.Did you always want to be an author?


No. I’ve enjoyed writing since I was a child. I still remember one of my early short stories. It involved the surprising origins of sand on beaches and God scratching his head! But I don’t think I ever, truly, saw myself as taking up the endeavor as a genuine author. I think that always seemed like too much of a magical and mighty mountain for this mere mortal to ever seriously attempt to climb.



2.Tell us about the publication of your first book.


My first novel was developed over the course of several months while I had started a new job in a brand new field. The book served as a sort of anchor; an outlet where I could regain a sense of confidence and balance that can be easily shaken whenever we’re in the midst of unfamiliar territory. In writing, I felt at home. I felt comfortable. I felt accomplished. And I really, really liked the story and the characters I was working to develop. In late 2021 I decided to see if there were other readers, like me, with whom the lead characters resonated. I hoped that I might be filling a small niche for introverted, sweet female lead characters who get hurt, who get confused, who suffer setbacks as well as personal triumphs and who love good men who want to love women well.


I also really like a good illustrated cover; so I definitely wanted that, as well!


I published my first novel in November 2021. I’ve been writing and publishing consistently ever since; with my latest work, “For Better & For Worse” being released on June 30th, 2022.



3.Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in?


I attribute my actually accruing the gumption to write and publish my first romance novel to one book: “A Crazy Little Vacay” by Rena Manse. It was one of the few (if not first) romance novels I’d read featuring a black female lead character who was an unabashed introvert (not shy, just introverted); and where her and the male lead’s sincere faith in Christ was very evident, though not overwhelming. Each of the characters portrayed seemed pretty grounded and believable. And even the way the would-be villainous was handled was far more mature than what I’ve typically read. It was refreshing; and I think I hope to replicate that same feeling for readers, myself.



4.What's the best part of being an author? The worst?


The best part of being an author is being able to visit worlds and share in the lives of people you enjoy. When you’re really flowing, you’re creating your own little vacation. The worst part about being an author is the learning curve; I’m positive that in the years to come, I’ll look back at earlier works and note both reasons to celebrate and to grimace. But I hope that will be the case throughout my career; because it’d mean I am continuously learning, honing, gleaning from others and growing. It’d mean that there’s always room for me to grow, too. And that’s exciting.



5.What are you working on now?


My latest release, “For Better & For Worse” is the third installation in my “Sisterhood of the Tiny House Revolution” series. 


With that book releasing into the world on June 30th, I am now developing the final installment in the series, featuring the most free-spirited member of the “Sisterhood”: Rachael.




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." 

- Toni Morrison


Quint Emm Ellis enjoys penning plots centering around unabashedly nerdy, introverted, cinnamon-roll mantic, passionate, fallible women who happen to be black, who happen to be Christian, and who happen to love an uplifting and, possibly, inspirational story. 


She enjoys listening to audio books, watching movies, finding great deals and spoiling her cat and dog rotten. Her dream is to be able to walk around in loose pajama pants all day and geek out while mastering niche crafts like music production, film editing and electro etching.




Amazon Author Page:



The book will be $0.99  during the tour.





Quint Emm Ellis will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.