My Books!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

National Animal Safety and Protection Month

Did you know that October is National Animal Safety and Protection Month?  Neither did I until I read about it a couple of days ago.  Animals are a big part of my life. I don't know what I'd do without my Rascal who's pictured below. If you follow my blog, you've seen him before. He often makes an appearance on Fashionista Friday. You can tell by his bow tie that he takes a big interest in fashion.  Rascal was a shelter dog who'd been adopted by some people that weren't prepared to deal with him. They planned on returning him, but I said I'd take him, and I've never regretted it. As I write this, he's lying by my feet. When I'm home, he's never far away.

What about you? In a comment, tell me how you and your pet came together, and I'll choose one person to receive a copy of Return Engagement. This is a good time to read Return Engagement because the sequel, Blue 52, releases in December.


  1. My dog (Longfellow) is a dashound that I got from a neighbor that was moving to a retirement home and could not take him. Like you, he's at my feet as I write this.

  2. My little dog Cody was a rescue dog and he is very sweet. He came into my life several months after having put down my Sandy who lived 19 years and 8 months. I was mourning his passing very much...well it was like losing a child that had been with me for almost 20 years. But Cody helped me so much. Many people have told me that I lucked out with him. I truly did.

  3. Elaine,

    I suppose this is where we talk about our faithful companion. More to the point, in reality, I think I'm the faithful companion.

    Our cat Jacques, grey and white Maine Coon (think Sylvester) was a rescue cat that I bought for my elderly parents. He'd been abandoned by an Australian gentleman who didn't want to hassle with quarantine.

    After my parents died, I became his chef and all-around maid. He gets me up at 4 a.m. to fix his wet food, Fancy Feast with cheese--he's had me try just about everything else--then tells me when he's ready for his dry food. Of course I need to clean his litter right after I feed him, latrine duty and all.

    If I do everything properly and in sequence, I get to pat him on the head. And when he doesn't shake my overwhelming affections off, it makes my day.

    Am I too needy for his approval, or is that just me?


  4. We tend to attract stray cats. The latest doesn't have a name yet. I have a feeling this one has a family somewhere already. It looks very healthy, but no collar. We will see if it wants hang around or is just passing through.


  5. I believe in saving shelter animals. We have two cats from a shelter, and I have written them in the past. We love dogs, too, and all animals.

  6. Kinko chose us. The lady dropped a eight kittend in front of odf Elmer and me and she, the only short haired calico in the litter cae over and looked us over, We must have passed muster because she let Elmer pet her Because of the kink in her black tail she got named kinko on the spot. But she's the fussiest eater we've ever had as far as cats go and that's saying a lot. she's still feisty at 18 years of age and still has us us firmly under control. Jane Toombs

  7. Susan, your post is so funny. You must be a writer. Thanks to all who left a comment. Mary Preston, your name came out of the hat. Congrats!
