My Books!

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors

I got a little more done on my new WIP this week. No blurb or title to share yet. If you see anything off about the excerpt do let me know. When you finish here you can go to for more excerpts from a talented group of authors.

Last Week's excerpt:

“Let’s go talk,” she said, reaching for his hand and leading him upstairs to the room they’d shared ever since their marriage.  She sat down on the pale yellow sofa in the window and patted the space beside her. “Sit down and tell me what’s wrong. You do look upset.”

He shrugged off his jacket and reached into the inside pocket. His fingers burned when they touched the picture. This was almost unbearable. How was flesh and blood supposed to endure it? His heart pounded like a jackhammer as he passed the picture to her.

“Who’s the boy?” she asked as she stared at the blonde child in the photo. “He looks like a Landers.”

“He is.”

She laughed as she handed the picture back to him. “Well? Are you going to make me pull it out of you? Who is he?”

The buzzing dizziness he’d felt earlier returned with a vengeance. “He’s my son.”

This week's excerpt:

She blinked. A small line appeared between her eyebrows as she processed his unbelievable answer. “I’m sorry. I must have misheard you. Who did you say he is?”

He set his jaw. “You heard me. I’m the boy’s father.”

“Oh.”  For a moment no one moved or spoke, but her eyes cut to his face, and she scrambled to her feet with none of the grace he’d always loved about her. She was breathing way too fast.

“If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll have a nap,” she said, her voice breathless and strained. She refused to look at him. “I’m so tired all of a sudden. Way too tired to talk about this. Let’s do it later after I wake up.”

He found vent for his emotions in anger. “You damn well don’t want a nap. This is the way you always act when you don’t want to face something.”

“I’m sorry.” She shook her head as if she were trying hard to focus. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t want to face things head on and deal with them. You just …just dry up and …and hide from your problems. That’s been the way you’ve handled unpleasant things ever since I’ve known you, but we have to talk about this. We can’t avoid it.”


  1. Yes, this is definitely something they need to talk about.

  2. A child isn't something you can take a nap to avoid! I understand her shock but man, girl, get a grip! Nice scene!

  3. This isn't a conversation that will go away, that's for sure!

  4. Wow! Holy cow--not what I expected. Nice twist!

  5. Well I have to say good for him. running away and hiding only makes problems worse. Great snippet.

  6. Well, she may not need a rest exactly, but he's just delivered a shock that will need time to process. Forcing the conversation right away might not be productive.

  7. I understand what a shock this must be to her and why she wants to pull covers over her head. Instead of being understanding, he's calling her on it. What did he expect by springing this on her?

  8. Yeah, nt the best way he could have handled the whole thing. Blaming her, when the fault seems to be his, is cowardly in my opinion. They both need to own up and face the fact. Gret scene, though! Tweeted.
