Readers, please join me in welcoming Jean Hart Stewart, author of The Third Rose. I hope everyone is following Jean's blog tour. If not, you can find the schedule at Jean's offering a nice contest too. She's giving away a The Third Rose T-shirt to one randomly drawn commenter from the blog stops on her tour. To enter, leave a comment on her blog stops. Enter at every stop each day to earn more entries! The Third Rose is now available at Red Rose Publishing.
Jean, welcome to the blog. Can you tell us how you became a writer?
How I became a writer? I think I’ve always been one. In one of my bios I mentioned I wrote my first story when I was twelve. I thought it was wonderful at the time, but then that’s an author for you. Love most everything they write. Wish I still had it so I could laugh at it now. My father was a writer, I majored in journalism at OSU, have always dabbled in it. Even as a real estate broker I published a newsletter. I finally reached the point I simply had to devote more time to it, so gave up a good job and concentrated on writing. Kids were educated so I could do so. Fortunately I have an understanding husband who’s my biggest fan.
Tell us about Jean the person, not Jean the author, if indeed you can separate them.
Hard to separate the real me from the writing me. I’m
generally in both places at once. Always laying up ideas, character tidbits, etc. I know I’m basically shy and my heroines are usually defiant and independent. I try to emulate them more as I grow more confident. Takes a lot to make the real me mad, and I’ll forgive any supposed sin against me. But not my husband or children. Step carefully there!
Has being an author made you feel any different about yourself? If so, how?
Definitely being an acknowledged author makes me feel more at ease. And awfully, awfully good! Also it’s helped me stand up for myself a little more.
Since you are a historical writer, if you could visit one past era which one would it be?
What past era would I like to visit? Wow! Almost all of them, but since my two newest books are in the 1815 period I’m currently fascinated with the Regency years. Although my books are definitely not regencies, I just draw on the history of the period. My stuff is way too sexy to call them regencies.
What makes a book a page turner?
What makes a page turner? Excellent writing above all. Readers will forgive a lot if it’s well-written. Dilemmas that appear to be impossible to solve always help. Writer Mary Balogh once said that if you’re stuck on a scene, just make the situation worse. As of course, sex and more sex.
What's your favorite scene from The Third Rose?
My favorite scene from The Third Rose? You ask the tough questions, don’t you? That’s like picking your favorite child. Impossible. However I love the opening chapter when Sara hides in Wolf’s bedroom with a gun. She intends to shoot him in the groin so he can never rape another female. How’s that for a grabber?
Well, it grabbed me. Everybody will want to know how that turns out. What do you want people to be saying about your work fifty years from now?
Fifty years from now I hope they say my writing is fascinating and well-researched. In fact I hope they say that now.
Where can we find more information about you and your work? Please share your links with us.
You can reach me at I also have two e-mails, and I have excerpts and reviews of all my books, plus a little biographical data on my website. I’m also on Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace and would love to be friends on any (or all) of these.
would you give us a blurb and excerpt from The Third Rose?
Share an excerpt… Of course, love to.
When Sara Coverly hides in Lord Wolverton’s bedroom to avenge him for the rape of her friend, she is determined to shoot him so he can never ruin another female. Instead she finds herself wondering if she’s picked the wrong man! Wolf decides he needs a token fiancĂ©e to cover his tracks as he searches for a spy, and soon Sara finds herself helping him. And falling deeply in love.
Wolf’s espionage duties bring danger to them both. When he
decodes a message threatening the assassination of Wellington at Waterloo, they both set out for Brussels to catch the villain.
Can their growing love endure through war, a desperate villain who is out to stop them, and Wolf’s determination to save Wellington at any cost?
This is from halfway through the book when Sara and Wolf marry for security reasons, on the understanding the marriage be platonic. Of course we all know that won’t last long but Sara holds out for quite a while. She calls him Josh, incidentally. Doesn’t want to think of him as a wolf.
“I love the room, Josh. I can see why your mother loved it, also. It’s truly charming.”
“As are you, my new wife. I’ve promised not to force you, but that does not include never kissing you. Come to me, Sara.”
Wolf took her and turned her into his arms, lowering his head to hers. Her lips were soft, incredibly soft, and warm as honey standing in the sun. He’d meant to only give her a taste of the joys of loving, but he found he could not possibly stop at just one kiss. He gathered her closer, pressing his body against her, wondering if she noticed the arousal she so quickly caused.
She gave a little gasp, and leaned into him, returning the kiss in an untutored but most pleasing manner. The lady had definite possibilities as a seductress! He sucked at her lower lip until she slightly opened to him, and then he plunged his tongue in, fully tasting her sweetness. Her flavor was indescribably satisfying as he kept exploring her mouth. When he found himself looking at the bed, and judging how many steps he’d need to reach it, he woke to the fact that he was about to break his word and carry her to it.
He set her from him, reluctantly, but with a smile at the shadow of regret in her eyes.
“I am not given to ravishment, my dear, as I once told you, or I would carry you over to the bed and have my wicked way with you.”
When she still looked bewildered, he gave a little laugh. “I’ve told you, I’ll not take you until you are fully ready. You are closer than you think, you know. Come to me soon, Sara.”
He gave her one last soft, lingering kiss, making her cling to him and bury her face in his chest. Well pleased with her reaction, he turned abruptly and strode to the door.
She might not yet know it, but she’d soon be truly his. It would put a strain on the lustful side of his regrettable nature to wait, but wait he would.
“Till tomorrow, wife,” he said huskily, and left her standing in the middle of the room, her lips slightly parted.
Jean, good luck with The Third Rose. It sounds delicious.
Been trying to leave a thank you, but can't get in. Hope it goes through this time, as I really loved answering the questions. Lots of fun. Jean
ReplyDeleteGreat interview, and nothing like getting involved in a good read with an historical bent. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a book worth reading
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love any type of period fiction. Excellent interview and I wish you much luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks Steve. The Third Rose is my favorite of all I've written. I'm always delighted when someone likes one of my babies.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what's wrong with this page. All the comments aren't coming through. Maybe they'll show up tomorrow. Jean, your book sounds great.
ReplyDeleteJean your book sounds grand .I love historical'
ReplyDeletesounds like a great read and i can't wait to read it.Having fun following your tour.
Great interview! Good luck Jean!