Title: A Soldier's Dawning
Series: Happy Endings Resort #8
Author: Lisa Survillas
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 28, 2015

I am not just a Man.
I am a Husband. A new father.
A Soldier.
I am Jason Reynolds.
For me, serving my country was supposed to make a better life for us all. Injured overseas, my only focus is healing for my family. When I’m given the news that my family will never be the same, I find myself drowning in pain. Talk about life being a cruel bitch.
In search of a solitary life, I take up residence in a town far from my shattered life. The Happy Endings Resort seems to be the perfect place for me to nurse my wounds. Finding a job is easy, and Brandon’s garage is the perfect place to wallow in my misery. Somehow Brandon, seems to understand my need to work until I’m exhausted, and to keep to myself. He gives me the space I need to overcome my wounds . . . all of them. Little did I know he’d have a niece.
Will these demons haunt me forever and drive me to hide from everyone and everything I’ve ever known? Will The Happy Endings Resort give me the solitude I need? Will the people here to be the cure I didn’t know I was longing for?

Inside it's like a blast to the past, and not my generation's past. It's way into the past, a throwback to the 50s. The booths are covered in red leather, with shiny white tabletops. They stand out against the black and white checkerboard tiled floors. Even the waitresses look like they're from the 50s, in light pink button-up dresses with white aprons. As strange as it is, it's got a nice homey feel to it. And it's packed, so the food must be pretty good.
After seating myself at the bar, I open the menu and see that it's similar to one at a soda shop. I love a good burger, but my stomach does flips when I see the list of malts they offer. I haven't had a good chocolate malt in ages.
Ready for some good ol' American diner food, I wait patiently for the waitress to come my way. When I hear her voice, I don't even bother looking up. It doesn't matter who it is, I just need my food. Gruffly, I place my order, "Burger, medium, with everything, fries, and a chocolate malt."
My attitude doesn't faze her. She just replies, "I'll get it right out for you," and walks away. I didn’t notice it the first time she spoke, but her voice has a song-like quality, just like Amelia’s; sweet, yet expressive. I take a moment to swallow down the lump in my throat. I can’t believe anything here reminds me of Amelia. It shows me I made the right decision in not going home, since everything would remind me of her.
After a few minutes, she drops off a glass of water without a word. Curious about the woman who would gladly ignore me in return, I look up as she walks away. I can't see her face, but the sway of her hips and that tight ass make my cock take notice.
I hear the easy rapport she has with the people around me. Her laugh is contagious. Every time I hear it I find myself smiling. A genuine smile that I haven’t had in a long time. When I turn around to see the people she’s talking to, you can see the joy on their faces as they engage with her.
When my food arrives, I make a point to look up. Although I know I'll never give myself the chance to love again, I'd be foolish to think that part of my body will get on board too. What I don't expect is to look into her eyes and feel that electricity deep into my stomach. She is a vision, with big bright eyes that match her straw-colored hair. She's on the shorter side, but in good shape. I can't believe the pull she has on me.
It's too much. I throw a twenty down on the counter and practically run out of the diner without so much as a word. I won't be able to go back in there. She could be trouble for me and my life of solitude. Her eyes were hypnotic. I'm pretty sure I could be drawn into them and never escape.
I throw the truck into drive as quickly as possible and get the hell out of there, making a mental note to steer clear of the diner when working. I try to rationalize with myself that it was just hunger, but I know deep down it was more than that. Fuck! I can't believe I let myself feel that. It's only been a few weeks since I lost the love of my life, so there's no excuse for feeling like that now.

Hi! I'm Lisa. I live in SUNNY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA with my wonderful husband and two teenage children. With two kids in high school and involved in activities both inside and outside of school, I have a lot to juggle. When home, I lock myself inside the office to write. I've always loved to write, but life always seemed to be too busy. When inspiration finally hit, I made the most of the time hubby and kids were busy and published my first book in February 2014. I've published a total of 4 books in the past year and am hoping to bring you a few more before 2015 ends.